>Noble Phantasms are rare as fuck as in most of them don't exist in the modern world at all it took a bloodline that actually existed in Gaelic myth to keep just one >Waver's (literal) loli Saber clone has Arturia's spear because fuck you that's why
First off granting the title of Lord is of some import, how is Waver being sent out constantly to do Enforcer work? As in "shit's hit the fan and magic's about to be revealed better send the squad of dedicated killers"
As in if you took every instance of it out so far (every scene save 1 prologue is someone else turning to the camera and going "he wuvs rider"), you wouldn't n0tice that trait existed. At all.
Three cases and no theme to any of what's being done. No individual ambitions, no emphasis on any ambition save one that was still poorly presented through a heir/woman that was off-screen most of the ep, and the maid who was there to lend one plot push and maybe some lesyay.
Old man steals electricity for political gain - no theme, no presentation of the actual works of the Clock Tower's politics, so this one's toothless, too
Dead man wanted eternity - ALMOST a theme, but no characters to push it forward and 80% of the screentime is Waver basically going "It's magecraft I ain't gotta explain shit but I'm going to".
Nevermind how off it is for students there to be harping over modern technology (I get the point—Waver's faction of more modern methods gaining actual traction in the Association—but it's presented poorly, even taking the villain-of-the-week into account), how can an organization that's existed for almost a millennia be this incompetent?
They just kinda refuse to tell a story. Or a noir. Or a detective tail. And are hoping the audience is too distracted by bishie long-haired grump and "buy the bluray" six to call it out.
I would not have opened with Waver's kidnapping. That was a death knell. Instead, what about an overall examination of the student vibes? The new class conflicting with the bluebloods?
Use it as a frame, introduce some uppity type deadset on proving these new batch kids inferior. Use said chara and Waver to frame the entire magi setting, political plots and all
>Waver's (literal) loli Saber clone has Arturia's spear because fuck you that's why