Aaaand I would have to make an account but it's not like that's ever been an issue for me, but I have a curious catte lady with her new friend her emerald carbuncle!
S'hiro is tol for a catte, v. gay, and friendly and observant, if you want boy catte? Otherwise P'rarra is probably better, the tiny rogueling because she will absolutely take on someone way too big for her.
so far ive got aira's tribe was basically wiped out by garleans so they moved over to doma lands (you'll eventually go there in the game) and then p mujch was pushed around as an indentured servant with his sister until a catboy helped him escape to eorzea
the calamity however septerated him and his sister and she doesn't remember him/thinks he's dead and he doesnt have the the guts to tell her he's still alive
Oh! Good! He and P'rarra have similar tribe problems. She just escaped being an indentured servant by being shoved into a child-soldier arena till she managed to escape due to an unusual flux of aether that randomly teleported her.
'u two will be the last survivors of our clan, with haia i leave you our swiftness both in battle and mind, to be free as the yol we ride, and with aira i leave the love of this world and your ancestors wish upon you'
ratcatte girl childe!yetshe wants his feathers and clinky shinies