[FE3H] Just wanted to share my thoughts! Will try to keep spoilers to a minimum, will edit this topper if needed.
I've gone through the Edelgard route, and now doing the Dimitri one, and it's been a trip. At some reveals, I've actually shouted "what the actual fuck". I can't wait to get the whole story so I know wtf is going on, and boy oh boy does new game + make things a lot easier the second time around.
Recruiting folks gives me such joy when it works, I want to collect all my precious children. Can't wait to see this group of kids glam up after the time skip, tho, hot damn.
I do miss the proposal scenes from Awakening/Fates, but I will say the characters in this game are more... I wanna say realistic, in a way? So far there's no one character that annoys the crap out of me. They all have their own charms and quirks, and learning their backstories has been delightful.
I can see myself playing this for a while, if only to go down all the routes and see if I can marry all the folks. Gunna try marrying Marianne this time, and if I can't get her, Mercedes. I love me soft girls.
So far I've had no urge to make a journal for any of them (THANK GOD, i say, looking at my stupidly long list of muses) and so far the only ships I'm sailing are Hanneman/Manuela (how could you not) and Edelgard/Hubert (servant/royal ships are essential to my life)
Prepawsterous ☋
I was on the fence about this one for a long time but all the love for it is making me want it XD But I also don't know if I can squeeze another time consuming game in just yet