Zigzag Stampede
Is there anything better when you're sick with a cold then sitting with a warm cup of tea in your hand and a comfy sweater?
Zigzag Stampede
I mean.... NOT being sick would be better BUT THIS IS STILL REALLY CLOSE
boo being sick
would you prefer calling tomorrow a wash?
Zigzag Stampede
Naw, doctor said I shouldn't be contiguous and it's just that lingering cough and occasionally achy joints
Zigzag Stampede
so I'm fine, but if you don't want someone coughing all over I understand :-))
nah I'm good with it B-) I'll see you tomorrow then!
Zigzag Stampede
see you then!
→ yard sard
aww sucks that you're sick but at least you're comfy
Zigzag Stampede
very comfy right now. :-))