Wayward Haze
Attacking this first you guys, where my thread friends at and what shall we do today?
I would love to see Dewey interact with Noctis or Hendrik again
Zumi's still sans power, so triple swap will wait, and I'm not top-leveling anywhere this month, but if you put up anything anywhere I can hit it up tomorrow!
feel free to hit up webby's bodyswap top-level and/or her apology post \o/
Wayward Haze
I'm gonna TL in a second, I wanted to reply to who I had first
Wayward Haze
: In the words of two of my favorite con men: both is good
I a♥D♥o♥r♥y♥m♥
Ahaha, man, if I was tagging, Dewey meeting Lena-in-Webby’s-body would be funny
Wayward Haze
Top Level including some Grade-A angst opportunities for those of you in need of Duck Feels
...Man, those are some good Duck Feels, but also Dewey "Poke it With a Stick" Duck yes good.
Wayward Haze
And here's a TL For The Swap just because
Link's broken, but I went to the event post and just having a prompt for each brother is a good way to do it, you know. XD
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
Is that an I Did Okay or a Plz Fix It Ang "good way to do it"
Wayward Haze
I am having trouble parsing all of a sudden
You done good, Ang! X3
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
writing Dewey, man. There's a reason the insecurity comes easy
Wayward Haze
But man, with THIS many threads if I don't somehow manage AC by the end of the month I'll eat my hat
Wayward Haze
(note to self: create edible hat by end of month just in case)
awesome I will definitely get those boys on that
thank you so much for tagging Noct! I will tag back after 5 pm pst which is in about an hour and a half!
Wayward Haze
No worries and no rush!