tea’s gone cold
[VII] https://images.plurk.com/7Dwpv3voqcRiE4kpvpDXfQ.png once again I am reminded that my take on this game is vaaaaastly different to everyone else's
tea’s gone cold
yeah Cloud/Zack made everybody involved into better people lmao
tea’s gone cold
am I the only person who likes the character because I DON'T feel maternal towards him or think other people do?
holds this far from my face
tea’s gone cold
like I love Cloud/Barret but the precise reason I can love it even with the big age gap is because they both view each other as an independent person able to take care of themselves.
tea’s gone cold
yeah Aeris gets maternal towards him but that's also because Cloud is having sad flashbacks to his mother and unconsciously trying to get Aeris to do that for him
pure starfall
are they talking about jude as in tales of xillia
tea’s gone cold
I assume?
pure starfall
jude is just this bland ass medical student who has a boner for the hot blonde avatar lady
pure starfall
they have literally nothing in common besides.... being jrpg protagonists...
tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
psyduck emoji?
pure starfall