Aether Muffin
Lady Stardust
oh my god
decaf coffee
the title is misleading, since with quantum teleportation you're not teleporting an object from one spot to anyone, you're teleporting the qubit, which is like... the metadata?
decaf coffee
the photon didn't move, but the qubit/metadata from it got moved to another photon
decaf coffee
which, as the article mentioned, is a pretty big thing for future communication system development
... the whole article is misleading if you aren't already familiar with the topic, tbh
decaf coffee
yeah, it is, thanks pop science articles
decaf coffee
Oh it's very cool!
miles you ass
E.S. Levi
Still, instantaneous transportation of information has huge implications.
E.S. Levi
Astronaut selfies!
Mm, being able to do this is how you get practical communications with off-Earth colonies. Even if we can't in any practical sense break the light barrier any other way, just being able to do this really helps.
I'm skeptical about whether the article is portraying accurately whether actual information can be conveyed faster than light, because that has implications not just for technology but for causality being optional >_>
either that or relativity doesn't actually work quite the way we think it does
decaf coffee
Quantum teleportation is still speed of light, we haven't broken that barrier yet
yeah that was my understanding as well, but the article doesn't exactly explain that :X