Darling Potato
How is everyone feeling about gachas these days? Are you over them and just prefer to be able to buy what you want or still loving them?
Darling Potato
Also to add to that, would you prefer to see gachas in someone's main store or do you like playing at the events?
ღChrista Echosღ
I am over gachas I still play them but I would prefer to buy what I want so I don't have a million of one common and none of the one I want, but I do like seeing the gachas at a mainstore so even if I can't get into an event I like being able to go to the store and get it there.
been over them for a few years. don't even make them anymore
Andel Rhiadra
I can't afford to play gacha machines tbh
The Elf
Tired of them.
Chingona Sophia
over them.
Chingona Sophia
Wait, that being said...if my favorite brands had gachas - i would not be over them.
Izzie Bizzie
I'm over them. from a customer and creator point of view
So over them. Never play them any more.
So incredibly over them.
Alicia ✿
The Epiphany is the only gacha event I really do anymore. if it's just a regular event with gacha...nah. Unless it's a store that I don't really know well and I just want to try out a few things inexpensively, then I don't really play much these days.
❉ Betty ❉
In the over them crowd. As both a customer and creator.
The biggest thing that makes me over a gacha to be like totally honest, its not even the losing part anymore, it's unpacking each piece of an outfit one by one and having to organize like 100 colors I didnt want of an outfit just to get the one I wanted. Not wanting to delete extras cos they make a mess, but then never using them.
I just kind of like opening a box and having 1 damn folder with everything I need in it
I'll still play a gacha, if it's like, a friend or something, or an item I really really want for a picture or specific purpose, but I never play them casually anymore bcuz its just work lol
as a creator the few times I've had a gacha out, once a person has played a certain amount of times I really wish I could just pass them whatever they want too. I don't do it because "rules" and all, but I've felt pretty bad before when I see someone play the shit out of a machine I own and then I'm like, uh... can I just give them this lol?
Andel Rhiadra
Ziekel : Yessss the unboxing of individual bits and then trying to sort out separate sets. Frustrating.
Darling Potato
Thanks everyone for your feedback!!!
I never liked them.
Caroline Apollo
i still like them!
Sean Gorham
Gachas are gambling and I'll never touch them. There's no thrill or excitement in it for me. I just want what I want. I don't want to play a slot machine to get it.