King of Games
King of Games
Kuai > Cao Pi - The Lin Kuei are no more
One Winged
that's because you're a terrible grandmaster
One Winged
but you're a better one than frost
One Winged
so there's that
what was I saying about salty subzero the other day? oh right
One Winged
I don't know how i haven't been banned from her plurk yet
King of Games
Maybe you could be Grandmaster if you weren't a SHADOW DEATH DEMON.
that seems fair
One Winged
his own clan with blackjack and hookers?
One Winged
well he lives in the netherrealm and there are plenty of succubus down there so sure
King of Games
I don't think Kuai is going to reform the Lin Kuei after Sektor's reemergence. I think he's going to let it die with him
King of Games
I'm pretty sure 12 will be him alone in Arctika refusing to talk to anyone
One Winged
when he ultimately dies he can come join noob's new death clan
One Winged
... :|
King of Games
he's kind of been trying to die since the revenant thing.
King of Games
Kuai > Rosinante - pls don't die ever again?
no promises my dude
oh wait I completely forgot the timeline when I tagged this earlier huh
welp ignore my snide commentary, for some reason I was just out of my mind
he will not be dead after the exploration hopefully lmao
I've had so many threads still on the TDM I forgot this was the log in the church where he'd just come back...
King of Games
oh okay good
King of Games
Kuai was gonna be like: I want to go on this expedition with you but you keep dying? So maybe we shouldn't?
King of Games
pls be okay
YEAH definitely just me not being able to keep up with how many threads I have going on and like, keep them all straight in my head
King of Games
Kuai > Hanzo - don't ever die again
Jejune Thots
King of Games
he is very soft
King of Games
delicate ice assassin
Jejune Thots
i would die for him gOD
King of Games
pls don't he would feel so bad
One Winged
no do
One Winged
make him feel bad
King of Games
My heart.
One Winged
you chose to accept my friendship
King of Games
He kinda feels bad all the time. He killed a lot of people.
King of Games
and then tried to kill himself. So...
King of Games
no one leave him alone for extended periods of time.
Jejune Thots
One Winged
noob will never leave him alone don't worry
One Winged
he won't let kuai kill himself
One Winged
only he gets to murder him
King of Games
King of Games
that's entirely why this exists.
King of Games
Jejune Thots
They're going on vacation. It will happen.
That is MK12.
Jejune Thots
everyone gets a nice vacation and nothing terrible happens. i hate how invested i am in this One character from mk nlw akdkks
One Winged
King of Games
yeah no. It's gonna be Bi-Han stabbing him in the heart with his own knife and then Scorpion going full super Saiyan and burninating the entire country.
King of Games
Kabal > Klaus - okay he kinda.. likes this dude
I like my version better.
King of Games
Kabal> Peter - look at how helpful he is!
King of Games
I mean MK12: Vacation time I would pay $1000 for
King of Games
so.. they should totally make it
King of Games
Kabal > Patch - aaaand right back to not helpful
King of Games
Kuai > Jin - he doesn't even have any lectures for you.
King of Games
Kuai > noob - someone needs to put them in a get along shirt
One Winged
look your evil undead brother is having a bit of mental crisis and is going to solve it by slicing you in half. because that how normal people do things right
King of Games
all this is doing is giving Kuai hope that Bi-Han is still in there.
One Winged
I mean.. sort of. he'll still stab kuai in the heart unless he somehow regains the ability to feel empathy but you know
King of Games
Kabal > Klaus they're bonding.
King of Games
Will killing Kuai make him feel any better?
One Winged
King of Games
Kabal > Patch - being HQ sucks.
One Winged
how terrible do you want me to make this tag back
King of Games
you can injure him if you want. Just don't actually slice him in half.
King of Games
unless you mean for my heart
One Winged
mean your heart
King of Games
it's already in pieces, so feel free to stomp on the bits
King of Games
though it's up to you how much you want Kuai hanging around trying to get his brother back
One Winged
why wouldnt I want your kuai hanging around
One Winged
I love your sub-zero
King of Games
One Winged
it just depends on how much you want to be around my noob
King of Games
kabal > Cho - why would anyone do that...
King of Games
noob is great! Just Kuai is quietly hoping he can like.... talk him back into being human
King of Games
Pratt > Ben - his hero
King of Games
Pratt > Patch thats too much optimism
King of Games
Pratt > Niko care and feeding of pet deputies
King of Games
both threads he thinks he's gonna be tossed in a dumpster
King of Games
Kuai > Jin - everyone stop dying okay!!!
King of Games
kuai > Rosinante time to go on an adventure
King of Games
Kuai > Noob he was literally just crying bro.
One Winged
look we've been through this get literally cannot feel empathy
King of Games
King of Games
he honestly thinks he can talk Noob back into being Bi-Han
One Winged
what's funny is half of this fight is miscommunication. because they are both stupid
King of Games
One Winged
look kuai he thinks you did something clever
One Winged
you're still an absolute failure though
One Winged
but you get a quarter of a gold star for that move
King of Games
wow. if he saves them up maybe a whole star one day
One Winged
one day
King of Games
Kabal > Peter - fix the bar bot first!
King of Games
Kabal > Patch - he can be helpful. He just doesn't wanna
King of Games
Kabal > Cho - look he's.. kinda a dick
King of Games
Kuai > Ignis - he doesn't want to be complacent.
King of Games
Kuai > Noob - never gonna stop trying to fix you
King of Games
Kuai > Cao Pi - talking about different things yet saying the same stuff
King of Games
Kuai > Pikachu - someone get him a license!
King of Games
Kuai > Cao Pi - better they should live
King of Games
kabal > Peter one track mind
King of Games
Pratt > Patch - they're gonna make it worse
King of Games
Pratt > Diego - time to kick ass
King of Games
Kuai > Pikachu - sad pikachu alert.
King of Games
(kuai > Ignis) - he is suspicious
King of Games
King of Games
there we go
King of Games
kabal > peter
King of Games
Kabal > Peter - more food preferably
One Winged
oh my god
One Winged
the kabal and Peter threads keep getting better and better
King of Games
he is talking to an 11 year old.
King of Games
One Winged
kabal needs better priorities
King of Games
like what?
King of Games
name 2.
King of Games
Kabal > Peter - he's bored okay
King of Games
Kuai > Rosinante - gettin this adventure goin'
King of Games
Kuai > Jin - no jin.
King of Games
Kuai > Jo - yeah he's not in charge of that
King of Games
Kuai > Noob - yeah he's not buying that
King of Games
Kuai > Hanzo - he is using his words. Kinda
King of Games
King of Games
Kuai > Rosinante - that's good right?
King of Games
Kuai > Ignis - he is suspicious
King of Games
Kabal > Klaus - he doesn't know either.
King of Games
Kuai > Noob - be a person for like 10 seconds pls
King of Games
Kuai > Ignis - sure looks like some fucked up revenant stuff
King of Games
Kabal > Jeff - space dibs
King of Games
Kabal > Jeff so the good shit basically
King of Games
Kabal > Cam - fuck that kumbayah bullshit
King of Games
Kuai Heatwave top level
King of Games
Kuai > Ignis - a TERRIBLE judge of character
King of Games
Pratt > Klaus - crocken eggs
King of Games
King of Games
Pratt > Tinya - such optimism
King of Games
King of Games
Kabal > peter - he's just so selfless
One Winged
kjhsfd he really wants that bar tender bot fixed
King of Games
King of Games
he doesn't wanna pour his own drinks when he's drunk
King of Games
Kabal >Julie - you know.. the basics
King of Games
Kabal > Jeff - can't wait for those four whole dollars
King of Games
Kabal >Peter - why can't he just kick things better/
King of Games
King of Games
Kabal > Peter - boy he can make anyhting sound gross
King of Games
Pratt > Tinya -his own cheerleading squad
King of Games
Pratt > Patch -comminality?
King of Games
Pratt > Jo - no he won't be
King of Games
Pratt > Tinya - 100 years is a long ass time
King of Games
Pratt > Peter - AND MY SHOVEL
King of Games
Pratt > Patch - he got swiss cheesed
King of Games
Pratt > Ben - SCREAM
King of Games
Kuai > MK - yeah he's fucking with you now.
One Winged
wow Kuai look at you being cheeky
King of Games
Kuai > Noob - killing him won't be 100 degrees
King of Games
He has his moments
King of Games
Kuai > Ignis - he's fretting
King of Games
Kuai > Cao Pi - he believes in happily ever afters.... for other people
King of Games
Kuai > Noob - he tried tho
King of Games
Kuai > Rosinante - a new mystery emerges
King of Games
Kuai > Coraline - same hat
Jejune Thots
im glad theyre both Big Dumbasses
King of Games
Kuai > Coraline - he's a helper
King of Games
they really are. XD
King of Games
Kuai > Ignis - it hurts so bad
King of Games
Kuai > Cao Pi he hates the idea his death might have been in vain
One Winged
i'm going to refrain from making a mean comment in line with what Bi-Han might think
King of Games
yeah yeah he knows