"The film will star Elaiza Ikeda as the main character Mayu Akigawa, a psychology counselor who gets involved in an incident with Yusuke Ishida, played by Takashi Tsukamoto, who will try to fix it. Hiroya Shimizu will play the part of Mayuโs younger brother Kazuma Akigawa who becomes a YouTuber to try and awaken Sadakoโs curse.
Himeka Himejima will play Jinko, a mysterious girl who lost her memory and is taken in at the hospital Mayu works at. Renn Kiriyama will play Mayuโs colleague Minori Fujii."
you can tell it was directed by the dude who directed "death note sequel" because the trailer randomly throws you into a pop song that, a quick look at the english translation, does not even remotely fit the premise of the film
Sadako is the one who is just minding her own business next to a well when a previously unseen man (as in, he doesn't appear earlier or later in the movie) runs up and knocks her into it violently
"Sadako eventually split into identical twins, one good and innocent, and the other destructive. The good Sadako grew into an adult and became an actress, while the evil twin was locked up by Ikuma and drugged to stunt her growth. Sadako's evil self haunted her, leading to her beaten her to death by fellow theatre troupe members, aside from Toyama.
Akiko Miyaji, the fiancรฉ of the journalist whom Sadako killed, leads an angry mob to kill the evil Sadako, only for the twins to merge into one and slaughter her tormentors. Ikuma then wounded and threw Sadako down the well behind his house. Sadako survived within for thirty years and died shortly before the events of Ring, creating the cursed videotape."
(I think this is somewhat obliquely implied by Sadako's body in death, which is rather androgynous -- she's not a Delicate Lady Ghost. And this part was carried over to the American remake, where Samara-in-death is not especially childsized either. There's this definitive strength to her frame.)
idk, I'm just thinking of the bit in Neon Genesis Evengelion towards the end where it shows the 'normal high school AU' version of Shinji's class, and imagining a Wikipedia entry that tries to explain how that AU sequence was caused by the Second Impact and literally happened
whereas I feel like Ring 0: Birthday was more like a window into what Sadako's life could have been like for part of it and then 'lol Ring style horror' for the rest of it.
"It begins when Mai Takano watches the tape. She starts ovulating then, and Sadako's DNA is planted in Mai's eggs. Unknown to her, Sadako is being conceived in her womb. Exactly seven days after viewing the tape, Mai gives birth to a baby Sadako. When Sadako is reborn, she kills Mai with her psychic powers."
you know, I probably shouldn't judge the quality of the prose having only read English translations. I mean, I've got some Kingdom Hearts novels which I think are genuinely badly written, but I've also got some Code Geass novels that I think were well-written in the Japanese but translated... into very dull, repetitive English.
to the point where it sometimes weighs down the plot, and then you're reading pseudoscience about a dead girl using a smallpox virus to... somethingsomething
Then his young, pretty wife suddenly loses consciousness while driving to meet him at the university where he does his research, and gets into a terrible car accident. There's a couple of dramatic scenes of him in the hospital, before he's told she's basically brain dead, can we pls harvest her organs
There's a teen girl who's on the waiting list for, IIRC, a kidney, who is a match for his wife. He's kind of heartbroken to be asked about organ donation since it officially means Giving Up, but agrees if the doctor will also shadily agree to take out her liver for him.
Husband cultures the liver cells while Morally Dubious Doctor puts the kidney in his young patient, and both of these things become vectors for the movie's version of Eve.
There's a weird scene where the liver cells assume Husband's wife's shape and have sex with him, in order to harvest his sperm, which at the end of the movie Eve intends to use to impregnate the teenage girl to... basically give birth to her own super-Eve-self.
The final scene of the movie has Husband trying to appeal to the part of Eve that he hopes is still his wife and can be reasoned with and talked out of, like, destroying humanity
Eve taunts him by telling him that actually his wife never loved him, because Eve, lurking within her cells, manufactured all of her feelings in order to orchestrate all of this.
"We made you fall in love with her by setting up the perfect Meet Cute and we made her fall in love with you by controlling her autonomous responses," Eve taunts.
Husband is hurt by this, but after a moment informs Eve that that wasn't when he fell in love with his wife. Actually, he saw her like a whole three months earlier than that in an unguarded moment and fell for her then.
And it's like all about Destiny and Fatality and Eve is really shocked by this information and I think it's implied that the inner wife actually does struggle in that moment... but either way, Eve is conflicted and winds up not destroying humanity.
But I think you've got kind of a remarkable choice on the part of the videogame folks to take a story that was 100% about the men (Husband and Morally Dubious Doctor were the main characters, really) and make it instead about the women who are potentially losing their autonomy.
Parasite Eve the game is way more compelling for being about Aya and her own fears about the way she's evolving, rather than being about, say, some boyfriend of hers and his fear for her.
I'm honestly not sure what's canon to WHAT. Certainly sadako 3d part 2 can't be that canon, based on waht I'm reading.