The Write Stuff
[RL][Writing][Bad brain stuff] had kind of a rough weekend... just needed a space to talk about it a little bit.
The Write Stuff
Got a message Saturday morning from someone I know with a link...
The Write Stuff
Long story short, it was a group of people mocking some of my writing, some fanfic stuff I’d posted online.
The Write Stuff
It... really stung. It late because I don’t know these people and don’t know why they felt compelled to do it, and in part because some of the stuff they ripped felt kinda legit.
The Write Stuff
I also came across someone who mentioned one of my stories in a post about “I’ll read bad fic for my rarepair!” so... yeah.
The Write Stuff
If the past week at work hadn’t been such a shitshow I’m not sure it would have bugged me as much as it did.
The Write Stuff
But I can’t deny that, beyond a few random meme tags, I haven’t opened the word processor.
The Write Stuff
I dunno... I’m feeling better but, at the same time, I’m having some self doubt about how good I really am.
The Write Stuff
And it’s just... a lot of negativity and not a lot of encouragement and interest feels like it should be a sign.
The Write Stuff
I’m pushing past some of it, and hopefully that improvement will continue.
The Write Stuff
I guess I just wish I had more writing friends who could offer s pick me up when I need it.
The Write Stuff
And I guess I’ll leave it at that, So this doesn’t dissolve into my complaining about stuff.
...why the hell do people feel the need to do this
tbh I understand that feeling; I've had my stuff torn apart behind my back before. but honestly people that do that sort of thing really aren't worth much respect because eugh
and that may sound harsh but what kind of person do you have to be to take joy in tearing someone else down?
The Write Stuff
The sad thing is, I really do believe they're people who are doing it because of their own pain.
The Write Stuff
Like... they can't create for whatever reason, so they need to tear other people down.
The Write Stuff
I'm feeling a bit better after another night of sleep and a chance to think on things a little more... ultimately, I think I need to learn how to brush off their nonsense.
The Write Stuff
Not give them any power over what I do.
it can be really easy to let that get to you but ultimately it's that very thing that isn't worth the time or energy