The Oracle's Message: Patience in all things is called for right now. What do you need to do when you’re in a rush? Slow down, of course. Meditate, and trust. Breathe, and repeat. Humans cannot exist without drawing breath.
Now is the time to allow this life-giving element of air to replenish your life, your light, and your very essence. Stop to smell the roses, breathe in the light, release the darkness, and miracles will appear.
Release constriction and anxiety, for there is no need for it. Savor the moment, and don’t let the waiting prove difficult. Your heart knows what the ego often resists learning. Patience pays off in deep and meaningful ways.
Prosperity message: You have worked long and hard, your dreams are coming to fruition, and you want to hurry things along. You are the slow one moving languidly yet still progressing right now, in a rhythm dictated by your authentic nature, the essence of your dream, and the will of the Universe. Slow and steady wins this race.
第二張 //BETWEEN WORLDS 3 Essential meanings: Transitions; not being quite out of one situation and fully engaged in another; temporary blindness; no-man’s-land.
Protection message: Be mindful of your expectations. This is not a time for guarantees. Things will not go exactly as you plan or dictate. Let go and see what Spirit has in store. What takes hold in your life will be better than you can imagine.
See the world through the eyes of a clown, and don’t take yourself or any situation right now too seriously. Have fun, be playful, and make laughter the order of the day.
Life is meant for play as well as work, for laughter as well as tears, for dancing as well as focus. Spirit wants to sparkle through you today. Smile and enjoy each breath and each moment. Miracles are in the silly today.
Essential meanings: Patience; waiting; going slowly; all is well; meditation; trust.
Essential meanings: Transitions; not being quite out of one situation and fully engaged in another; temporary blindness; no-man’s-land.
Essential meanings: Joy and contentment; a sense of fulfillment; a feeling that all is well.
Protection message: Lighten up, because this is the time to be ridiculous and silly.