How intense does abuse have to be before you’d consider leaving?
jesus christ just dump him
Any abuse is too much
What if it’s just yelling and aggressive body language?
What if he threatens to take everything if you leave?
Lawyer up then leave
Then it's still ABUSE, and it will escalate. Please, as someone who went through this. Leave while you can, even if you don't think you can.
I don't think it's better to stay and be miserable
I’m scared he’ll take my cat and I’ll never see it again. :-(
if you know its abuse, leave. leave then. most abusive relationships come with a lot of brain washing and you don't realize its abuse.
Maybe make arrangements to board your cat somewhere while you get out.
if you're afraid he'll take your cat, take the cat with you when you escape! don't leave it behind and try to come back for it later.
Right now it feels like someone scooped my heart out with an ice cream scoop. :-(
make secret plans and don't tell him.
He threatened to take the house, money, etc.
are you married?
Honey you need to go. I'm sorry. You should never have to feel like this. As far as the cat goes, take every vet bill that you paid, every medical record that lists you as owner, every pet store food receipt you might still have.
speak to a women's shelter they can give you information
wasabi3938: ...
they can recommend legal counsel, they can help you so much
abusive men will make threats to keep you in place, do not listen, save yourself before you end up getting killed
Look, he's made it really hard to leave. He did that on purpose. He's threatening you with things that are not in his power.
is there a way you could open a separate and secret bank account if your finances are shared?
i mean if you're asking us internet people this question, i'm gonna guess you've reached the point that you really do feel that the abuse is unbearable so that's your answer right there
You have legal rights. Talk to a social service and get advice. He can't just take everything.
He’s not always like this. He just snaps.
It's your house too. It's your money too, no matter how much he made vs. what you made.
Please look up "cycle of abuse."
Of course he's not always like that. He couldn't keep anyone long enough to trap them, if he was always like that.
its abuse, even if he's not always like this. i was in an emotionally abusive relationship for 5 years. there were tons of times he was awesome and i loved him so much, and he made me feel like dog shit and destroyed every friendship i had and all of my confidence. i was lucky that i didn't live with him in real life.
How long have you been together? How often does he snap? Is it getting worse over time? Is it threatening - are you afraid? Have you talked about this when things are calm?
aggressive body language, boy bye. yelling rarely? maybe if we're having a mutual fight. yelling regularly? boy bye. threats of any kind? boy bye.
this is nimil if you need someone to talk to privately about this. i have been there. get out now <3
He's threatening now. Next, he'll try lovebombing. Telling you how special you are, how much you do for him, how he couldn't bear to lose you. Please, please, don't let him fool you. He's said it all before, and he doesn't change.
This is isabeal - I teach classes on domestic violence. I can give you some resources if you're in the US
It’s been about 5 years. He’s actually getting better but it’s still so bad sometimes
he's not getting better he's just wearing a mask
It’s like he snaps, and every conversation and breakthrough we’ve ever had never happened
Yeah. Threats like the kind he is making are a sign to get out. Maybe start looking into the logistics of it and make some plans. You don't have to get out overnight (unless you are in danger)
This is Miyani. I also said he was getting better. He wasn't. He was getting better at hiding, and convincing, but then every explosion was worse.
because there's no breakthrough, he's just learned how to wear the mask better to keep you where you are.
What are the consequences for him if he doesn't change?
You only have 1 life. Don't spend it with someone who doesn't make you happy.
You deserve better than to walk on eggshells all the time, to keep from setting him off. He's ALWAYS going to go off, even if it doesn't have anything to do with you. But you will be the one he takes it out on.
"he just snaps" could easily result in him snapping and killing you. this is barb, like Miyani above, i also thought he could get help and that he was my best friend and that i couldn't leave him because my life would be over. it was rough, but i did it. please seek professional help.
Think about it... and I mean, really think. Has he ever "snapped" with a boss? Or a friend? Or is it just you? Is he saving all of it up, to take out on you?
milk4140: he has professional help. But I guess he needs more
falcon3425: I haven’t seen him snap like that with anyone else. Maybe his mom.
The other woman he has power over?
I'm so sorry you have to go through this, OP.
sweets, i'm not talking about him, i'm talking about you.
Professional help is good, but it's not your job to wait for him to treat you decently while he makes you feel threatened
If he can keep it in check when the "important" people are around, it's not an anger management issue. He is choosing when to let go and show his abusive self.
if you're starting sentences with "i'm scared he will.." its time to make a plan and get the fuck out. you will need support for that.
also I don't have a lot of faith in abusers suddenly not being abusers anymore
they tend to escalate, not stop
pita, exactly. It's "only" physical intimidation and verbal abuse now. And he's gotten away with it, he's comfortable in that space. It will get worse. And it can get worse very quickly.
Anon, please... we care about you, and want you to be ok. It's better to be alive and left with nothing, than it is to be dead at the hands of someone who was supposed to love you. And it won't come to that, because he doesn't have any more right to your shared property than you do. If your only account is a joint account, then take half, make a new account,
At first threat. Take your cat with you. Plan your exit, have a friend hold your cat/possessions if necessary
without his name on it.
Yes, if you can find someone to take the cat for a bit, do that.
Live in your car for a bit, or call womens shelters, they have a ton of good resources for you to talk to, and can put you up (and are well trained in turning away abusive exes)
A womens shelter will also have numbers for lawyers who take cases pro bono, to help abused women divorce and get their fair share.
And I don't know your situation, but if you've been a SAHM, you still get a fair share.
I feel pretty alone on this. The friends I have locally I’ve been alienated from, and my family is checked out.
falcon3425: I haven’t thought about it that way. That’s concerning.
Well what are you getting out of it if you stay?
Just listen to everyone make an exit plan, stash the cat before hand. even if you have to lie "he ran out the door" and cry over it.
do you have a friend that you can slowly start moving stuff that you want to save that they will keep for you, perhaps the cat?
Don't stay long enough for him to "snap" and seriously hurt you. Get out, cut your losses, take your cat and get out. And get a restraining order.
If you don't have money go get a job either from home or outside the home. Don't use a joint acct or one he has access to, and dont even use a previously used pin just something random
maybe if you re approach a safe friend who has been absent for awhile they can help you. make sure they don't like them. Also, prior I would make a second fb or social media accts and move your real friends over, and abandon the other. You never actually said if you are married. Hopefully you aren't. Remove your name from things.
Lots of things can be moved prior, maybe youre spring cleaning or marie kondo'ing your life when on the sly it's being packed up and stored at a friends.
Then leave a dear john letter and leave. Hopefully block his ass and start over somewhere else.
I'm in the same position, it's not as easy as just leaving, but I agree with planning first and then getting out. Make sure you know exactly what you're going to do and don't tell anyone, and take your cat, of course.
The final straw for me was actually something very small, it doesn't have to be something huge, the only thing you have to know is make your way out of there. Even if it's slowly... in fact making sure you have a safety net is really important.
So... at this point you can see that you're definitely not alone.
We've all got you. You don't have to do this by yourself.
But you need to leave, before it gets worse.
It'll be hard, and it'll be awful at first, but you can leave. It might feel hopeless, but I hope you know you can do it. It'll suck. It'll keep sucking for a long time. And then it'll start to suck less. And one day you'll meet someone else. And you'll see what relationships are SUPPOSED to be like. It will get better... just not with them.
I just told my mom that I’m scared of him and she said I need to try and understand him because we’re on the same team. I feel totally helpless when I hear this.
Yes, I’m married. :-( cobra3292:
Your mom is wrong. He's clearly on his own team and not yours.
Your mom is wrong. Don't go to her for advice
Yes, exactly what wizard said. She doesn't know what he's done to you. Even if you told her, she doesn't really get it.
She's in her own form of denial.
I don't want to compromise your anon status, but can you tell us what state you're in? It might help us to help you.
sue this fuck
lawyer up
you need post divorce and abuse therapy and he needs to pay for it all
You got some good advice here. Sit and think about things and make your plans. We are in your corner. We support you and we believe you.
He's not going to get better. Are you willing to put up with this for the rest of your life? Get out now.
is he the one that will play video games all day? You need to leave
if this is who i think it is, i feel so sorry for you.
i was so convinced that you were leaving this clown, but it turns out that didnt happen
and you were putting up with all this the whole time
worm91: damn, this isn't who you think it is. I've never posted about this before. way to be aggressive...
thanks everyone...processing all of this...
please reach out if you need to. - barb
The fact that you even ask this question makes me roll my eyes. That first contact and anyone should leave.
we don't live in an ideal world, there are nuances in relationships that you cannot judge as a third party. lots of people don't start out so obviously abusive
To all those rolling their eyes and say just leave, it’s not always that simple or easy. I do agree you need to get out. Start by moving small things he wouldn’t notice. And remember things can be replaced! You can just go and take only what is vital. I know it may seem overwhelming but this plurk shows you are not alone
any abuse = dump them
Here's the thing about abuse. On a scale of 1 to 100, 1 is unacceptable. It always goes up.
Abuse is not arguing or snark or pettiness. Abuse is undercutting your confidence and sense of self, isolating you, and/or physical harm.

Remember the only acceptable level of abuse is None.