[曠野相關] 剛剛聽神獸內部BGM時順便看了一下討論區,看到了有人說"I never noticed the SOS is in this part too,It’s in all of them Nintendo is going wild with the creepy Easter eggs in the soundtracks in recent games,If you listen carefully to medos beginning you'll hear that the sos isnt immediate like in the other divine beasts" 嚇到馬上去查資料,結果是真的 [閒聊] Reddit中翻:曠野之息-藏在音樂中的求救訊號 - nswitch
剛剛聽神獸內部BGM時順便看了一下討論區,看到了有人說"I never noticed the SOS is in this part too,It’s in all of them Nintendo is going wild with the creepy Easter eggs in the soundtracks in recent games,If you listen carefully to medos beginning you'll hear that the sos isnt immediate like in the other divine beasts"
[閒聊] Reddit中翻:曠野之息-藏在音樂中的求救訊號 - nswitch