Student loan debt forgiveness, reparations for gay people, free stuff. Your move, Trump. You can't counter these promises by citing studies and data. You counter them by rhetoric and appeals to emotion. I guess mockery would work too. Mockery plays well with the crowd. :-D
Bernie Sanders unveils plan to cancel all $1.6 trill...
Although a Trump version of student loan debt forgiveness would be the most effective, if they ever come up with one. From what I gather, student loans are most oppressive loans over there. Almost impossible to file for bankruptcy protection. Trump would do well to follow Sanders's lead here.
Yey free stuff. Yey
Student loans over there are a scam. Theyll give a loan to anybody, even if his major is in something like Postmodernist Puppetry or something, give loans to unqualified people... knowing that filing for bankruptcy is almost impossible.
True about the Student Loans. It's modern slavery. You're enticed to get it at an age where you're still a bit clueless. But you can't shake it off when you already do know better
The banks are happy. :-D Sanders's is a kick-ass promise. People burdened with student loan debt won't care about the details. It's one of those promises that could win an election.
Interesting. Just when they're going through peak college there. Alternatives to college like the Lambda School are promising.
That's the problem. Peak college because people who shouldnt be in college can get into college because student loans. And colleges can offer degrees in whatever because student loans.
Doesnt matter, Malice. You can't reason your way out of this one. When the idea that education is some kind of sacred right has taken hold of the popular culture, it's more or less game over. Poor people's credit cards pale in comparison.
Michael Malice on Twitter
The only thing Trump can do is to come up with a better debt cancellation plan for student loans, which is loan cancellation without Wall Street paying for it (as in the Sanders plan). That is, make the loans disappear.
Note: Education is not a right. ;-)
This issue is going to divide America.
MJ on Twitter
Yep. Trump could either exploit the emotions of that tweet or he can get ahead of Bernie by cancelling the debt (and not paying back the banks). Note that these are promises to get them elected. Whether they deliver is something else. :-D
For me, MJ's complaint is akin to an unfortunate guy having a heart attack and getting Philhealth assistance and MJ, in perfect health, complaining, "Why is he getting help from Philhealth?" :-D