Wayward Haze
[Mystic Mondays] Gonna start sharing these in an effort to keep up ... it's a pretty little daily tarot card app. https://images.plurk.com/6dJpEd1qCR0pi6rOdmmPR1.jpg https://images.plurk.com/7vbkkFv3235NPtOLAsIN88.jpg
Wayward Haze
Tell me something I don't know, LMAO.
Wayward Haze
I saw the physical deck for sale at BAM the other day, which was neat.
Wayward Haze
It took me a few days to realize the arrow next to the keywords mean upright or reversed, not... the alchemical symbols for water or fire because I'm a dork
Wayward Haze
So kept going "but swords are AIR not fire wtf"
Wayward Haze
Just because you've been studying for almost 20 years doesn't make you smart, kids :-D
Wayward Haze
Oh, I have an app like this - GoldenThread, it's free and also has a physical deck counterpart. And yeah, that's... Very spot-on right there.
Wayward Haze
I'd be curious to compare what the decks look like!
Well, here’s my daily card from today: https://images.plurk.com/74cbuwAbtJjIZRR8DUKEhk.jpg
Wayward Haze
Oo, simple yet pretty. And Temperance is a good card. Thank you for sharing!
do you have physical decks?
Wayward Haze
Several! I think I'm over 30 now, I've been collecting since college
ooooo, which one is your favourite?
Wayward Haze
Oh, that's tough.
Wayward Haze
My first was the Phantasmagoric, which is like Tim Burton and Jhonen Vasquez tried to make a deck together
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
I had the Art Nouveau one in my collection until it showed up on a friend's Christmas wishlist ...
Wayward Haze
I've heard of it, but that's adorable
Wayward Haze
This is the one I use now: Book of Shadows vol 2, So Below:
Wayward Haze
Wayward Haze
Volume 1 is As Above, and it's a teaching deck - each card correlates to a pagan concept.
I had bought the As Above one^^ But I didn't use it, but they're both beautiful decks
Wayward Haze
I use As Above more for meditation and focus points than actual readings, but I love them both
they are gorgeous