queer power
[School] anatomy dissection talk
queer power
we did sheep hearts today! nothing major really just slicing it in half and sketching it
queer power
it wasn't really that gross?? it just looked like meat, after stuff has been left preserved for so long it loses a lot of the ick factor
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but this teacher was just... disorganized, he didn't give us any pre-lectures on how to dissect things at all, he was just like 'here's your tools, cut it in half, have fun kids'
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I don't know why I ever expect more from this instructor (unsure)
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at the beginning of the semester when I asked him what we're dissecting, he didn't really seem to know, either... he said we'd probably do a cat at the time which, I'm slightly worried that might upset me more but, maybe it won't
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hell he never mentioned that the hearts were from sheep until today so I'm not sure he even knows ahead of time what we're doing
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the chambers yes, the valves were a bit harder to see lol but the cordinae tendae was very obvious and the instructor pointed out other structures to us
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oh nooo that's a lot more hardcore than the class I'm in is
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ours didn't smell like much of anything, ofc we also didn't have them sitting out for longer than 15 or 20 minutes thankfully
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this lab is like... only a single credit class because it used to be combined with the lecture portion until they split it up
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so it's just very. easy
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it was hard! I was trying to be delicate and another girl at my table had to take over for me and finish sawing it open (LOL)
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we grabbed one of the bigger ones so its myocardium was like, huge