Yule Cat
Finally back from vaction!
Yule Cat
I was gone for a week in Hawaii, so if you're wondering why I went near silent on here and in replying to tags, that's why.
Yule Cat
Time to whittle the pile down.
Yule Cat
I the meantime, I got into Wasteyard and Asgard with Ivar, so this shall be interesting!
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I misssed youuuuu
Yule Cat
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i watched a bunch of vikings in ur absence i blame u
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She’s done it to us all
oooh I hope you had a good trip! welcome back!
Yule Cat
Eeeeexcellllent! My master plan is working.
Yule Cat
What season are you up to?
welcome back!
i skipped 4.1 bc i knew itd annoy me so im just at when daddy dies
Yule Cat
Welp, Ragnar dying is either the point where the series goes downhill or where the younger generation gets interesting, depending on your POV. It's clear which camp I'm in haha.
Yule Cat
Either way, it's also the point where Lagertha becomes fucking insufferable because she's clearly Hirst's pet character. It was so disappointing to start actively rooting for her to die when she was one of my favorite characters in the earlier seasons.
i mean i was expecting it since ep 1 where aelle pulled out the snake pit so like
i thought his death was really good?
and thats all i ask, i loved early seasons ragnar (i played him briefly) but imo his character went off the rails as time went on, i felt like his death scene and all the religious ambiguity was a real return to form
plus i think the conflict with the brothers was good
mostly i just think i needed to skip the whole founding of normandy and ragnar is a drug addict plot
and ive always been iffy on lagertha bc shes such a minor footnote in the sagas and she always felt like more of a plot point than a character so
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She was definitely more important early on but then Hirst wrote himself into a lot of corners
it felt like they never quite knew what to do with her when they finally introduced auslaug (who is thE MAIN CHARACTER IN THE SAGAS) and it just kept spinning out of hand
(hi im one of apparently 3 people who likes auslaug)
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Siggy still has the best death / happy ending in the series.
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aslaug falls under a category of female character I don’t like lmao. But I can respect her and her arc a lot more than lagertha of later seasons
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The only death I’m extremely unhappy about has more to do with the actor needing to leave for mental health/health issues
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So i can’t bag on Hirst too much for it
yeah thats the thing, like i dont find her.... likable as a person? but she works for me as a character and that's why i like her. everything she does makes sense, even if its annoying, and i fucking love her parents so im a little biased
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Bc you can tell it wasn’t how the character was intended to go
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I mean aslaug IS kind of insane tho lbr but she always loved her kids even if she neglected 3/4 of them for most of their lives
i mean everyone on the cast is a little insane
aslaug just doesnt have the skill to back up her ambition which i think is a great character flaw
its just not presented very sympathetically
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But like she’s just a lot of things I just think she was too smart for I guess idk but I don’t particularly like that they randomly killed off the one character that pointed out her flaws
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Yeah. She’s like Cersei from GoT but without the actual political talent lmao
so i understand ppl disliking her but i was biased the moment she showed up bc id been expecting her
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I just... don’t like the way it happened but also her character is like mentally I’ll and actually not insane in the Vikings /zealot way
i agree with you though as far as her actual presentation in the show, its p lacking and unsympathetic while also way too... informed abilities that are never shown. likewise i felt like she got a serious intelligence downgrade as time went on, her answer to ragnar's riddle is supposed to show how incredibly wise she is but
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But also more so I hate Bjorn following ragnars foot steps with regards to women when he all but disowned him bc of the aslaug affair
yeah i can defs see your point. i like aslaug but its not in that 'EVERYONE WHO DISLIKES HER ISWRONG' way, i can 100% see why shes not well liked, i just have personal biases that make me tolerate her more
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They could have managed to do both like they did with siggy but Hirst... isn’t good at nuance in female characters
yeah thats a serious problem, theyre all either GOOD WIFE or BAD WIFE
and frequently POORLY WRITTEN WIFE
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I think aslaug would be a hoot to rp against but in the show she was pretty insufferable but she was... intended to be
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So it was well acted lol
yeah exactly
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And I’m glad at least once in canon what a bad mother she was regardless of how she loved her kids was pointed out
its funny bc the ragnarssona thattr and the volsung saga are notable among norse mythology for having the most active roles for female characters, saga!aslaug is the wisest woman of her age, gundrun fights along her brothers, etc, but hirst like.... eh??????
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Because she was a TERRIBLE mother but also her love for family is one of her best parts so it’s strange
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Well Hirst has a boner for lagertha actress so
its an interesting dichotomy tbh i wish they played with it more instead of just slapping it down like a dead fish, you know what i mean
u g h
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It’ll be interesting when you get to freydis. I realized just now she’s like a bargain aslaug with more political wits but absolutely zero common sense and foresight
omg i already love her name
its literally frey blessing
fertility blessing?
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I actually hate her as a whole but it’s because they never actually delve into her motivations where as badly written as it was we had a very in depth understanding of aslaug and why she was the way she way
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And it was easier to follow the logic or lacy thereof of her choices
ahh i get that feeling a lot
when you see the potential
and then you see it fly out the window
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I feel like you can’t just have a super manipulative morally grey character without actually building who they are and their motives or they just... seem like a pretty prop for sex scenes and character development of others and when they’re pivotal they need to be more than that lol
ah the game of thrones effect
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at least they dont exposit in bed
....that ive seen so far
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Judith is actually an extremely well written manipulative female character so HE IS CAPABLE OF IT IDK WHY HE DOESNT DO IT
Yule Cat
Because Hirst doesn't know how to write women beyond "HURR DURR GURRRRL POWER!!!" as if women can't be anything but Xena knockoffs to be interesting.
Yule Cat
wehwalt: I honestly come from the same POV you have regarding Aslaug.
Yule Cat
Like I totally get why people didn't like her character, but I feel like Hirst definitely flip-flopped and didn't exactly know how he wanted to write her character, so her inconsistency wasn't entirely just character driven.
Yule Cat
It's the same reason why Hirst doesn't know what to do with little girl characters. Gyda, Angerboda, Tanaruz.......all he knows how to do is basically kill them off for angst points instead of figuring out how a little girl can grow into a woman or contribute meaningfully to the plot.
Yule Cat
And Hirst has also kept Lagertha on while killing off other female characters who were interesting like Astrid, so I'm salty right there that she's hanging on when her storyline has been more then wrapped up and how she takes two steps forward and one step back the entire last two seasons in her characterization.
Yule Cat
Next season, I'm somehow supposed to take a woman who would be in the "crone" phase of her life at almost sixty years old still being a shieldmaiden? And somehow not slowing down at ALL despite the fact she should be an old woman by the standards of the time period?
god i miss gyda......
and yeah especially considering what shes been through in battle she should have aged???
only male characters age apparently
anyway brofist im glad we agree re: aslaug, i didnt realize i had such strong feelings of.... neutrality
whatta world
Yule Cat
Apparently giving a head of grey hair to her is the half-assed attempt at making her "old" .....and then she turns around and gets involved with a guy twenty years younger then she is. (eyeroll)
no thnx
Yule Cat
My dad hated that plotline. He was like "What does he see in her??? Her teeth should be falling out. Her hair should be falling out..." I chimed in "Her uterus should be falling out." And he goes, "You said it, not me."
𝕝𝕒𝕤𝕥 𝕣𝕖𝕤𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕤.
hope you had fun! missed your face!
Yule Cat
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not to mention Heahmund had way more chemistry with Ivar on screen
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I still love lagertha basically asking Heahmund if he fucked dudes
Yule Cat
That was definitely a deliberate line. Hirst loves to put in those ambiguously bi doubletalk lines.
Yule Cat
I still choose to believe Heahmund would've somehow ended up back in Kattegat again with Ivar if JRM hadn't asked to leave the show.
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