[adhd probably] Mondays are Hard. :/ My distractability is through the roof.
it doesn't help that clients/boss have sent emails with project instructions "attached" and want stuff done by end of day but never sent attachments. there have been three (3) of these since Friday
and what I do have is Boring Stuff I feel like i have to physically force myself to do.
some other stuff has also come to light about my focus or lack thereof and how it's tied to certain emotions and ... idk. fortunately I have an appointment this week, so I just need to get through the next few days.
but I did clean a bit over lunch and I did draw something totally unrelated to characters/costumes
and now I'm just staring at stuff I don't want to do going "what if I just didn't" but the alternative also isn't the thing I want to be doing, so...