duck bastard
[reincarnated as a slime] > "huh, i wonder if i'm just way too biased and read into a single thing too much for my immense nonbinary leanings"
duck bastard
> rereads for isekai review list
duck bastard
> rimuru: answers "lmao either or, i don't care" when asked in human life if he'd rather be reincarnated as a man or a woman
duck bastard
> rimuru: reflects that slime don't really have sex or gender and just kind of accepts that in the most chill way possible
duck bastard
> rimuru: only really seems to care upon learning how to shapeshift as a human, when despairing over the loss of ~little rimuru~....
duck bastard
> rimuru: ...before immediately experimenting with shapeshifting different aspects of appearance as "hyper masculine" or "hyper feminine" , which one can assume includes junk, before just. NEVER BOTHERING. WITH GIVING EITHER KIND OF CHANGES TO THE DEFAULT FORM.
duck bastard
> rimuru: casually lets the ladies dress 'em up in cute dresses and braids and shit, and the only complaint seems to be "being treated as a toy" (on par with ranga pinning and licking rimuru)
duck bastard
also, this has nothing to do with gender, exactly, but while rimuru clearly likes the ladies (and boobs, definitely boobs), I will never get over the constant calling of soei as a reliable stud
duck bastard
one of these days, i will get every instance of rimuru calling soei a stud, because it's happened like three times now
they're just a really reliable stud after all,
Zestium Beam!
okay but Rimuru is just a pure slimeball who just likes people and can't say no to his subordinates
Dragons Dragons
Rimuru is great.
Zestium Beam!
Rimuru eventually handwobbles decides on a pronoun for people to talk to them by eventually? but like, generally speaking Rimuru also identifies as a genderless slimeball which is pretty great.
Zestium Beam!
if I'm not mistaken late in the light novel
duck bastard
i only have caught up with manga but i'm pleased by this
duck bastard
additional people who get called a stud: youm
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i love rimiru
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i haven't read the manga but the anime's pretty good
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if relatively low stakes since he's so OP
duck bastard
yeah, i find it to be on the more relaxing scale of isekai I read, where the op-ness just helps put more of the focus on other things
duck bastard
for this one in particular, I think that would be more the characters than anything 8Ta I know Mother's Basement once described it as the kind of power fantasy where you get to protect all your friends and make them happy
duck bastard
which checks out
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Zestium Beam!
he's also generally outclassed by several beings at various points in the series but like, he doesn't dwell on it, and it's resolved very quickly to make way for more generally less power fantasy storylines yeah
Zestium Beam!
Zestium Beam!
where are we going to find people to make shelter and clothing
Zestium Beam!
and trade
Zestium Beam!
It's like a giant game of Civ 2 without the crazy ghandi AI
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decaf coffee
oh cute I stopped watching this but I guess I'll pick it up again.