21. "Starlight" (from Black Holes and Revelations, 2006) Encore "Algorithm" (from Simulation Theory, 2018) "Metal Medley" ("Stockholm Syndrome", "Assassin", "Reapers", "The Handler", "New Born") "Man with a Harmonica" / "Knights of Cydonia" (from Black Holes and Revelations, 2006) 這場沒有encore, 但是歌單上的曲目全部都有演出,如果我沒記錯的話
對MUSE的喜愛還滿純粹的,除了團名,只大概知道三人的名字:主唱Matt, 貝斯Chris, 鼓手Dominic,CD以外的商品沒買過、花邊新聞沒追過、粉絲社群沒關注過...就這樣過了好多年... 喜歡的高峰期是Black Holes and Revelations, The Resistance,喜歡到聽到前奏就知道歌名,歌詞幾乎都可以背出來的程度...多少也幫我提升了英語能力吧XD 後來網路上開始流行「耳朵懷孕」這種形容方式。我想我聽過的歌手裡面,唯一會讓我想用這種形容詞的就是MUSE的Matt...儘管有人跟我說他的聲音是無病呻吟,但那歌聲百分百完全我的菜。聽過的團裡面也只有MUSE讓我有絕對要去聽演唱會的想望。
2. "Pressure" (from Simulation Theory, 2018)
3. "Drill Sergeant" / "Psycho" (from Drones, 2015)
4. "Break it to Me" (from Simulation Theory, 2018)
5. "Uprising" (from The Resistance, 2009)
6. "Propaganda" (from Simulation Theory, 2018)
7. "Plug in Baby" (from Origin of Symmetry, 2001)
9. "The Dark Side" (from Simulation Theory, 2018)
10. "Supermassive Black Hole" (from Black Holes and Revelations, 2006)
11. "Thought Contagion" (from Simulation Theory, 2018)
12. "Interlude" / "Hysteria" (from Absolution, 2003)
13. "The 2nd Law: Unsustainable" (from The 2nd Law, 2012)
14. "Dig Down (Acoustic Gospel Version)"
15. "Madness" (from The 2nd Law, 2012)
16. "Mercy" (from Drones, 2015)
17. "Time is Running Out" (from Absolution, 2003)
18. "Houston Jam" ("Futurism", "Unnatural Selection" and "Micro Cuts" riffs)
19. "Take a Bow" (from Black Holes and Revelations, 2006)
20. "Prelude" (from The 2nd Law, 2012)
"Algorithm" (from Simulation Theory, 2018)
"Metal Medley" ("Stockholm Syndrome", "Assassin", "Reapers", "The Handler", "New Born")
"Man with a Harmonica" / "Knights of Cydonia" (from Black Holes and Revelations, 2006)
這場沒有encore, 但是歌單上的曲目全部都有演出,如果我沒記錯的話
喜歡的高峰期是Black Holes and Revelations, The Resistance,喜歡到聽到前奏就知道歌名,歌詞幾乎都可以背出來的程度...多少也幫我提升了英語能力吧XD
可是,這次去了演唱會之後,我覺得自己應該還可以再喜歡MUSE十五年!甚至我已經開始考慮買一件MUSE T-shirt下次演唱會穿...對,我已經在幻想下次演唱會了...請讓我再次美夢成真
Resistance 我還能再聽十五年!(從買了專輯到現在,那鋼琴片段一直是我的手機鈴聲,剛剛赫然發現專輯是2009年出的...時間啊...