I keep crying whenever someone tells me happy birthday lmao. Im just gonna finish this correspondence on a deadline and probably go back to sleep.

My friend wanted to take me out for lunch but im just gonna stay in my room. basic necessities be damned I don't care good night.

:c sleep well, I hope you feel better soon

turning my phone on was a mistake. i got like 20 texts and now im crying all over again

oh Kim ;; do you want to talk about it?


okay. Sleep when you can, I hope it's restful for you

Im trying to at least not nuke my entire social media presence but its so tempting to just...drop everything and leave. this is such an irrational and unnecessary response to something that probably is inconsequential and dumb

if you're upset then it's not inconsequential or dumb, but it's also not a good idea to nuke everything. Future you would be pissed at present you for it, I'm sure

whatever happened, I promise you it's not the end of the world, but it doesn't mean you're not allowed to be upset either. Take your time, sleep it off. We're here for you if you need us, and if you don't need us, take care of yourself and treat yourself kindly, if not for you then for me since I'm looking forward to seeing you in a couple weeks