Hugtopia RP
Hello everyone! I would like to bring to your attention: Hugtopia!
Hugtopia RP
Which I hope will be a welcome addition to the current games out there
Hugtopia RP
A SoL, light plot, game, for cuddling! (Gosh, I bet that was obvious, huh?)
Hugtopia RP
Legitimately for cuddling though, because sometimes you just need some nice, happy, relaxing fluff and memes don't cute it
Hugtopia RP
*cut it
Hugtopia RP
y;know what, I'm owning up to that typo
Hugtopia RP
The general idea is that your character arrives why the will of (insert plot appropriate concept like deity's) because their world is suffering a bit
Hugtopia RP
People have just stopped being really affectionate and it's hurting the world
Hugtopia RP
The deity's would provide rewards for going above and beyond (there won't be punishment for not but do you really want to miss out on extra goodies?)
Hugtopia RP
Events are meant to be fun and, I hope, unique, with two ideas already in mind. And player plot ideas will of course be welcome!
Hugtopia RP
CRAU is going to be allowable, with all the games closing and reopening lately, canon au's, canon characters, and fandom oc's.
I love this
Tonberry King
oh man this is even better than previous plans
Tonberry King
is there space for evil aligned huggers?
Leanne No
Hugtopia RP
Oh yes! Even angry hugs can earn you points, haha!
Tonberry King
oh no, they're not angry hugs, she's very friendly, just also evil
Hugtopia RP
And even evil folks need a hug once in awhile
Hugtopia RP
hugs are just nice to have :-)
Hugtopia RP
Leanne No : Hiding away, waiting to be wanted. Now come give the game a hug! XD
Leanne No
My body is so ready! Is there going to be either an app or AC?
Fuchsia Fox
Oh my gosh! I'm assuming straight up OCs are allowed too?
I definitely have characters - both good and evil - who could use hugs...
this plot is coming straight for my current most active character 8|
you want a touch-starved cuddlebug? I GOT A TOUCH-STARVED CUDDLEBUG!!!!
For evil people, there should be a law system or temporary jail time where for a short time, no hugs allowed?
Leanne No
I have Leanne from Fire Emblem who once she gets used to touch again WILL BE HUGGING ALL THE PEEPS!
𝗄𝖾𝗂𝗍𝗁𝗒 𝖼𝖺𝗍
aaah this is cute!!! relika
ahhh Leanne!
Hugtopia RP
Leanne No : There will be both app and AC but this game is meant to be fun and relaxing so they won't be too in-depth or difficult. Just enough to make you want to rp and rewards to encourage that activity :-)
Leanne No
Leanne No
Siv : You know her?! :-D
Leanne No
... and I am sorry, but I got to share this song:
Hey Homies! -The Aquabats!
Yes! I often play FE PoR and RD for fun!
Leanne No
I mean, not that the 10+ replays in each game says anything...
Hugtopia RP
Leviathan : That is a wonderful idea!
An option for my CRAU Thea! A proper healing path post her last game
Leanne No
I play her from before she wakes up from her sleep. Just because to me, it gives the most chances for ships/CR as well as character building
(I also used to rp Soren, and I toyed with playing Zelgius, too.)
Yeah and if evil character hurt others or harm others, then maybe the deity decide the proper punishment
Tonberry King "Just so you know, I'm a hugger." (literally her second line)
Oh no she cute! XD
Leanne No
(.... I almost cried at the thought of playing against a Zelgius. Leanne will be giving either one so many hugs!)
(I'd need to replay the game without skipping cutscenes for that, but I might be able to. <3)
Of course I imagine if the character is in jail long enough and repent, then he’s allowed to have a hug...since being in jail doesn’t produce much positive mojo to sustain the world
Leanne No
Monster Muffin
oh my god I love how much attention this has already
(Can I add you so we can gush??)
Leanne No
Leanne No
(Though I warn you, my plurk is filled with my dogs, memes, cute videos and gushing over fandoms and RP)
Leanne No
Also would smut be allowed or just be smut friendly? Gives me a good idea what content should go, rating, etc
♩ 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮 ♩
Oh this sounds so cute
Awww that sounds adorable
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
Leviathan : what's the difference between smut friendly and smut allowed?
generally smut friendly means there are aspects of the setting that facilitate sex, like say aphrodisiacs, moon phases, rewards for explicit sexual activity...
I like this idea because I like the whole focus on touch in Prismatica, but my characters wouldn't fit with the more sexual themes of that game
Not sure, brain is le tired so the question comes to mind
Hugtopia RP
Monster Muffin : So do I, this is wonderful!
(To be fair, you don't have to play with any of the sexual themes in Prisma if you don't want to). And this looks super cute, but I really don't need another game! c:
yeah, I guess you could say it's like a spectrum: smut allowed (no game mechanics that encourage sex but threading on-comm is ok), smut-friendly (events/mechanics that facilitate sex but it's not mandatory) and smut-mandatory (there's a smut activity check, or it's a have sex or die type game)
(and of course there's the option of not allowing smut on the main comms at all)
Hugtopia RP
Leviathan : Smut will be allowed! But marking the game smut friendly seems to give some "negative" connotations like the game being for smut
ღ zipper noises
.... I'm intrigued by this game
Hugtopia RP
I'm glad! :-)
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
ah! I didn't realize that was the terminology. thanks for the info
ღ zipper noises
maybe MOMO or Akira.....
^ It’s that, thanks. Sorry I wasn’t clear...ish. And I think for this game, the primary mission is giving hugs
Leanne No
Leanne will be hugging all of you. Just so you know. You won't be able to escape her lov
Leanne No
(LOL) one of my boys is such a repressed ball of anger and nerves that even a hug might break him
Leanne No
lol She will hug him. She will even give him a wing hug so it will be hug-ception!
I came in on wing hugs
oh, what's the policy on powers?
Hugtopia RP
ღ zipper noises : MOMO, you say? Is this a small pink bow-wielding MOMO?
ღ zipper noises
yes indeed :3c
Hugtopia RP
cordially: Providing there's a desire to play OC's, I don't see why not!
Hugtopia RP
SariAAAAAAAH : I'm going to say that there won't be any nerfing of powers unless it becomes clear they'll be abused. And then it'll be a case-by-case basis based on IC behaviors and Deity Discretion i'm not clever
I mostly play OCs lately, so that's very nice to know. <3
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
Man I got a couple of touch starved bastards who...
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
/very interested in dragons
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
I'd offer you a Valvatorez to hug but I need some canon review.
Valzyyy <3
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
;w; D4's my favorite of all the Disgaea ok
inadequate tits
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
hi* even
☽ ʀᴏsᴇ ᴋɪɴɢ
I don't have the means to play 5 yet! 4132 in my order of preference.
Actually come to think of it, the character I'm thinking would be fun to play here has a lot of OP powers that honestly, I could even see the character wanting to have nerfed. Would that be possible? (He really misses being able to hug his mom, for instance, with all his strength. He's essentially the Superman of his universe.)
Many Birds
aw heck cute
Hugtopia RP
Siv : That would definitely be doable! We could even add a section to the app along the lines of "Would you/your character want their abilities removed or weakened?"
Hugtopia RP
Would you all like that?
Leanne No
♩ 𝓜𝓪𝓼𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓜𝓾𝓼𝓮 ♩
Oooooh that would be interesting!
inadequate tits
i love the OPTION to keep or nerf powers
Squad Mom
Question what if a character is DEAD and a ghost, can they have a new body so they can cuddle everyone?
Hugtopia RP
Characters who have died will be given a new body so they can get those nice, warm and fuzzy, cuddles!
Squad Mom
Awesome! thank you!
KIПG DΛD dad hugs
This sounds amazing
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
if there anything you want to see in the game or have any concerns, raise them here!
Choco Princess
Well I haven't had an immediate magnetic attraction to a non-horror game in like literal years
Choco Princess
Bless this
ngl, I don't have time to RP anymore but that part about dead characters getting bodies tempts me A LOT. there's this poor cute zombie character in my fandom and I really want him to feel hugs and warmth and food and stuff again
i have a li'l shit who could desperately use some hugs but hates being touched so i'm creepin all over this idea
I have a CRAU that spent a ear in a sex or die game, she can use this to regain her agency
🎨 ıɐɓuǝ⊥
Squad Mom
I may have convinced a ghost to join when it starts
this is an amazing concept
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
did I miss the where and when this is happening?
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
Idol Minako
inadequate tits
my understanding is that it's still in development and this is an interest plurk.
inadequate tits
give it more time in the oven
definitely already smells good at least lol
Vɾեɾɑ 𓆩ღ𓆪
𝕻𝖍𝖆𝖓𝖙𝖔𝖒 𝕳𝖎𝖛𝖊
Yep, it’s only half-baked so far but it’s amazing to see such interest!
miles you ass
I would enjoy this muchly
Hugtopia RP
stay tuned! more information on this game should be forthcoming in a couple weeks!
Idol Minako
Choco Princess
I already know what character I'm bringing and how she's gonna try to game the system... and fail...
Choco Princess
(speaking of, just to float this so mods know someone's thinking of it (I don't need a response right now!) but my character is going to openly pick a god that looks good for her public face, but she's... not somebody that would give that god good vibes. mechanics shenans for that would be fun to play with!)
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
sounds like a good thing to bring up to the FAQ when it goes live maybe?
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
Two of my WoW OCs would be so good here.
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
They're huggers...
Hugtopia RP
we do allow fandom OCs so long as they aren't intimately linked to canon characters!
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
my girls should be fine then I think
Dr. Min▲zuki
this sounds like a game arianna would love being in
Leanne No
Oh no... I have a soulless fandom OC who does not know what hugs are
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
and suddenly one of my cuddly fandom OCs is like "WHAT. NO!"
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
(the Pandaren. >.>)
ᴄᴏʙʀᴀ ᴄʜɪᴄᴋᴇɴ
and they're more like "okay we took orders from x but we don't bro it up with canon characters."
How would lack of info post movie be treated (a la Christine post Doctor Strange, I made her compliant with Endgame)
gσσ∂ συт нєяє
that's another good question for the FAQ. it should be coming out soon so keep an eye on the plurk here for more info soon!