I think the biggest thing I liked about it was that it really helped with learning to roll with the punches in roleplay in general by removing my own bias for success. That, and helping my ability to make shit up on the fly in a way that instant message/chat RP never did.
never 4get poor tigo failing at climbing a 5 foot dirt wall like three times in a roll, rolling negatively twice due to environmental modifiers, and then nat 20 one-shotting a huge frog monster in the next room as if she'd just gotten So Pissed and needed something to take it out on
it...also brings up some complicated trans-related feelings, oddly enough, with regards to the general dichotomy of how men and women participate in fandom content
and I'm just like, I like everything? I want to discuss all of these things, but generally the people I want to discuss whatever topic with at a particular often don't go for that
I was looking for stuff regarding Brave Command Dagwon a while ago - it's heavily humans piloting robots with I think like two sentient robot characters
but in looking for that I managed to trip over some folks who were very adamant that they felt that the series was a waste of robot designs on being piloted types,
I think all this boils down to being frustrated that it feels very difficult to find new people to be enthused about mecha stuff with because of clashing strong opinions
and very obviously Takara's answer to Gundam Wingarguing is tiresome