2 hours combing patterns at Joann after realizing the "Rey" one I got last night wasn't going to work for fixing Carol for at least 4 reasons
All! I! Need! is a sleeveless, high collared halter top that zips in the back OR pulls over. also leggings, preferably with front seams but I'm flexible
I was about ready to just say "fuck it" and get more muslin to figure it out myself
ANYWAY I eventually found the perfect legging pattern and a top that will hopefully work and also maybe I can use for a Rey-type thing or something.
those were on sale for 1.99 so I wound up getting those and a new seam ripper because I'm sure Mocha stole mine and still got like $5 back, hooray
I WILL figure this out. I will. and it will work.
and hopefully everything will look less janky because I am using patterns and following instructions and not trying to make leggings at 4am without a pattern
but first, lunch.
.... not halter top. thats not right. but I knew what I needed, what it looked like. that's the point. anyway. food. water. and later I gotta go to a party... today AND tomorrow, which is. not what I want. but. here we are