小孩也好好地練習英文了~ “It is a beautiful night with all of you tonight. We received so much energy from you ARMY so that we can perform happily tonight. It's such a precious memory to all of us and this memory will stay that way forever. I’ll never forget it! And we promise we will comeback! Thank you LA I love Army!💜”
但不知怎麼用英文說 就手腳併用急忙想要傳達給RM跟阿米知道 XD
這是吃掉本來該是旻的麵包嗎 噗
“It is a beautiful night with all of you tonight.
We received so much energy from you ARMY so that we can perform happily tonight.
It's such a precious memory to all of us and this memory will stay that way forever.
I’ll never forget it! And we promise we will comeback! Thank you LA I love Army!💜”
然後真的是吃了旻的麵包耶我完全沒發現 真可愛!不過旻自己也玩的很開心就是XD 有這個充氣遊樂設施真不錯XD
這個充氣設施真的很好耶 彈們都玩瘋了 都變成五歲小孩