I dunno why people are so divided on Steve's ending. Like this is what he wanted all along. Bucky practically read his mind and knew what he was going to do.
Loved the all-girl scene in the battle. Except for fucking GOOP. Fuck that self-centered priss of a woman. I am able to always divide between character and actor, but she is completely insufferable.
I think only three movies are officially confirmed now. Spider-Man 2, Black Widow, and Guardians 3. So I'm highly interested to see where it all goes from here.
Glad Sansa and the Hound got a scene together and even more glad to see Arya riding off with him. Also DAMN, you really see how big of a man he is when he's on that charger. Stranger!!
Also I'm echoing everyone's collective opinions in that everyone was taking their stupid pills. Jon, Dany, Sansa. EVERYONE. I almost don't even care how the show ends because they're all acting so idiotic and insufferable.
Also BRAIMIE IS CANON!!! And also thought whhhhyyyyy did he have to break her heart so badly????? Jaime why can't you at least let HER have a nice thing even if you don't want it?
I know why. He has to keep up the asshole facade and push everyone away. Almost hope he'll live after he kills Cersei so he can figure out what to do with the rest of his life, but I doubt it. They'll die together.
Damn but I wanted to smack Euron and Cersei's smug little smirks right off their faces. I will be SO GLAD when they die. Yara, come back and tie your uncle to an anchor and drop him in the ocean.
Yeah like the thing GRRM has always stressed in his books is that the problem with monarchs is that no one tells them no. Joffrey being a prime example of what happens when you give a kid ultimate power and never tell him no or discipline him. Dany has been told her entire life that she's royalty and will be a princess or queen.
Even when she was with Viserys she's always had it in her head that Westeros rightfully belongs to her family. So now anytime anyone tells her no, she throws a bitch fit. While I don't think Jon will be a much better ruler, at least he's been told no his entire life, so he understands you don't always get what you want when you want it.