Quick poll because I'm curious: when you RP, how do you see the scene in your mind's eye? Is it third person, like you're watching a movie? or more first person, like you're in your character's head? and do you feel your character's emotions secondhand? or none of the above?

third person, like reading a book

i'm seeing the character but also able to write their emotions

third person

though when I'm doing memory events I tend to want to do it from the character's perspective

because that's how memory works

third person

and i don't feel their emotions

or not to the extent that, for example, doing a sad thread makes me miserable irl

I sort of act out their emotions with my face and body posture

i feel sad for the characters but not sad overall, if that makes sense

In the character's head but I write it like third person. I sometimes feel for the character I'm playing, and their grief can feel like a very light sadness on my part. Although if they're like really sad and depressed all the time it makes it near impossible to play them myself.

i have definitely cried writing sad tags

i've cried writing sad tags. but it's a good cry. like crying at a sad part in a really good novel that i'm really invested in.

and i visualize in third person, but not quite like a movie. more like my third person dreams.

I ask because I realized that even though I'm writing third person, for the most part, when I'm actually writing I feel like I'm inhabiting my character and seeing and feeling things from their perspective. and I feel their emotions when I'm really into it but I also have enough distance to know those things aren't really happening to me.

more present than watching a movie, but not first person. like being a ghost in the room.

third person, i see it shot like a movie

i usually know what my character IS feeling but dont feel it personally with like

very few exceptions

if the character's powerfully angry or sad i'll get uhh sympathetic tears/chest tension

but i know its not mine, its like watching something sad on tv

Third! I also step further back to try to imagine how the moment would play in whatever canon they're from, and write the feelings in that style.

Usually I visualize in third person, but sometimes more...one step to the left of 1st person. And sometimes there's some emotional bleed over.

Third person but with enough of an omniscient narrator to provide the occasional bit of thought train, inner monologues and other reflective stuff, constantly fighting myself to keep from getting too navel-gazey

and it plays out in my head like the movie that plays when you read a book, usually because I've thought of one or two lines I really want to use.

I write in 3d person, but I identify pretty hard with my POV character. I find I'm better at 'getting' their emotions when I try to feel them at least a little, rather than just think them through. And I have definitely done some serious crying over sad threads before

I don't get a lot of bleedover, but I'm definitely the exception more than the rule there I think? I like jumping into the emotionally intense stuff head-first and loooove going for the emotional gut-punch tags.

other people's tags will get me all choked up if I've gotten attached to their portrayal/character, not so much my own

Third person and I tend to feel emotions through my character

I kind of switch between first and third, but always feel the emotions. I don't think I'd be able to write them otherwise? (as in, me specifically)

I feel the emotions and I don’t really see things, I hear the words in my head. I’m a very verbal rather than visual person

third person! i like to try and make it cinematic in my head with camera angles and everything, and sometimes music, so i treat it like a movie. i feel sad when i write sad tags and i feel for my characters the way i would feel for one in a movie im watching or a book im reading, but i dont feel exactly what they're feeling

emotional first person, visual third person, if that makes sense

For me, it depends on what I want to get out of the scene. I default to third person and that's great for most things, but sometimes, if I really want to get into the reaction, I try to actually think in a first person sort of way. Close my eyes and really think about it, what's going on, what the CR is, and dig in.

I don't see the scenes at all, I'm not a very visual person

but I feel my character's emotions embarrassingy strongly

and I listen to her lines in her voice so I can be sure and write them right

third person. my character is pretty different from me so I don't usually feel emotions secondhand