You're Quinner
[gender psychology or something] So I was streaming some celeste the other day
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and getting tilted, as one does
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and Hannah pointed out that, apparently
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I misgender myself when I'm on tilt?
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I hadn't even noticed
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but I was saying things like
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" 'Oh this room is easy', he said before eating shit 12 times in a row"
Princess Emily
I tend to misgender myself when talking about myself in the third-person as well
Princess Emily
or at least, it's where I'm most likely to slip up
I don't think I'm going out on a limb when I say your self-loathing is very tied up with your assigned gender
You're Quinner
that... yeah
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especially for this specific kind of anger
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being mad because I'm not instantly the best at something
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that's internalized masculine self-loathing
oh i'm scary
I think there's also just the fact that that kind of thing is a figure of speech, which tend to be a little bit disconnected from their literal meaning in terms of how you're used to using them
oh i'm scary
they're where I tend to forget
You're Quinner
You're Quinner
I don't often talk about myself in the third person
honestly i still fuck this up and I haven't been "she" for five years so like
it's a hard one to get out of