r/joinsquad - LATs on Free Weekend from a salty post on the Squad subreddit about noobs taking the anti tank roles and not knowing how to kill vehicles with it.
Shameless plug I love this game. It really helps that voice comms is an integral part of the game, so I get to practice my English while ordering random Americans around /o/
The interesting part is when I'm Squad Leader and my squad inevitably becomes multinational because playing at night time here means less Americans and more Asians. So I have to understand the English accents of Japanese, Korean, Thai, Filipino, the occasional Kiwi and Aussie, and make the squad functional
the Koreans are loud like to talk too, so they're fun. The Japanese rarely talk, and they only really ever call out information. The Filipinos are shit like to find the other Filipinos and they're opinionated as fuck
I love this game. It really helps that voice comms is an integral part of the game, so I get to practice my English while ordering random Americans around /o/
are loudlike to talk too, so they're fun. The Japanese rarely talk, and they only really ever call out information. The Filipinosare shitlike to find the other Filipinos and they're opinionated as fuck