a space cocoon
[meme] suggest characters I should play from your canon
a space cocoon
no promises I will but hey maybe I might be inspired
a space cocoon
or maybe pick up new fandoms
Thx everybody!
how do you feel about cute tsundere witches who desperately need a hug?
a space cocoon
i am intrigued
a space cocoon
actually that reminds me
a space cocoon
did you highlight your stream by any chance?
a space cocoon
I only got to hop in once but it looked super cute
Thx everybody!
I've got the whole stream saved on m twitch, and I put up the four acts I played individually on youtube :3
a space cocoon
Thx everybody!
I hooooope to actually play the rest of it next weekend, this weekend wasn't good because deskquest lmao
a space cocoon
I'll try to catch up on it then!
Thx everybody!