‎‎The Rich
https://images.plurk.com/57NOwvieiGh5VmYvXeEfWy.jpg https://images.plurk.com/3XBnQp7qQLMmw9p9f3bIJv.jpg https://images.plurk.com/6bA7YrcCt13RhihpeOaoVe.jpg https://images.plurk.com/4I4RdVS0cbRv7fvVTihceW.jpg https://images.plurk.com/20EyXXoDALHWefryHq56Q.jpg some photos to share if someone insist they want to boycott. RnD center complex in Haifa.
nots menta
uwoooo..haifaaaaaaaaa. dulu lewatin doang
‎‎The Rich
Ray’s parent live in this area. So we went there every two weeks or so. First time passing it in day time tho.
nots menta
distrik teknologi(mmm)
‎‎The Rich
Yes. I was surprised, I thought Tel Aviv would be more technological, but it’s more financial and startup technology.
nots menta
kalo ga salah ingat, di Israel kan berlaki satu distrik satu unggulan. haifa distrik teknologi. ada lg pertanian,olive oil. gitu2 bukan
‎‎The Rich
I don’t know yet. But there’s banana district for sure whole area is banana plantation.