It's so sad that the game is ending but I guess it makes sense. It's been a place I kept loving even when I wasn't able to play for my health issues and I'll be sad to see it go but- it's been wonderful.
Hard same.
I'm not dropping out and I certainly hope to be able to build some good stuff even in the remaining months with the players I have around.
Now, I don't think I will get to build anything super relevant with Leon but Rydia has some good CRS running around and I'd like at least to see those end somewhere? Gods, she just met a certain absolutely badass and awesome lady....
And Leon will be killed soon? I will have to look for anoter place for him to go, but for now I will stick to Hadriel because it's what I feel like my gaming home to some degree? so many wonderful players in it
Let Me Sleep any direction you want our cr to go in the pst few months? I'm just going to lie down and cry at the idea that they're going home.
Also boi... if anyone wants to do anything plese poke me?
My Knee I'm still going to tag and all ad I will go as fast as possible to try to build meaningful cr between our muses- he doesn't even know there can be multiple keyblade wielders,I was looking forward having him to ask "HOW CAN I GET ONE TOO?" All excitedbecause you know he wants to be a hero too, right?
My Knee
lmao binch you have no idea
GOOD, be his sensei, Aqua-san
My Knee
you don't know how I'm tempted to have Aqua be like
My Knee
fuck it
My Knee
and start bequeathing Keyblades left and right
My Knee
You'd make a grumpy ld man SO HAPPY
I mean he beat down a 14 years old because he was jealous (?) in the first KH
My Knee
That would not happen with Aqua soz
My Knee
She would totes beat him up
(((Also, bear with him, he used to be MR grumpy in KHI but he got better, really))
Boi I'm still shaken by the news, I am so going to miss this game
My Knee
Yeah he was positively chipper in KH2, comparatively
I think Aerith and Yuffie are, like, a great influence on him?
Especially Yuffie who in the manga is basically his partner? Hard to play the cool and grumpy part when you have alively ninja helping you kick heartless arses around
Let Me Sleep
oh wow!!! it's too bad to see it end, but this is good to know... just to get ready for how it'll all go down
Let Me Sleep
I'm very very open-ended with plans for now, but I'll think a bit more about what directions I want to take hm.
Let Me Sleep
it's kind of bittersweet tbh. I actually like the idea of building to a definite end story-wise, even if it's too bad to see it go
it's definitely bittersweet. I'm glad I got in duplicity and I bet it's going to be as horror as I hope but Hadriel is hadriel? It's special?
I know I want Rydia to met Gerolt and go hunt with her, Aqua and Leon bonding but otherwise I am also still trying to figure out what I want from it. It was all rather sudden?
Let Me Sleep
ME TOO for duplicity :-D
High five for potentially trauma inducing scenario for both of our muses!
Let Me Sleep
VERY MUCH SO. Kain's going to feel soooo intimidated and out of it, but that's why it's perfect. no other kind of setting would make him quite this off balance.
And Rydia will hate that just because she opened a door instead of another she's 1) put in a position of power 2) supposed to treat a whole group of people like they're inferior when she was so strictly raised on the importance of equality.
She'll be... aggressively protective toward all submissives, which is definitely going to cause her problems.