[rp] the problem is less that I need icons and more that I need to get off my butt and find pictures for icons
it's not like I don't own two dozen sword anthologies
I can't find my copies of the katsugeki manga though and this is frustrating me
since the art is really nice for that and I like having things be somewhat consistent
Drea you're playing from the musical just use screencaps HAHA NO
that is some uncanny valley no thanks
much as I love them. I would consider using gifts for visuals or something but idk the idea of using it for icons just seems too weird to me. What a weird canon...
I found myself wondering a while back if anyone ever uses actual caps from the musical as icons
mostly because I'd be very tempted to try Sengo but Mokkun is the only acceptable Sengo
god it's so true he's the only one I would accept lol
except I hate that wig so much
they slightly improved it for srs 18 but then it seems they messed it up again for miho saien
I just feel like it would be really easy to mistake for you using fucking cosplayers as your icons or something
and like I have no problem rping with la but this is some weird ass fucking LA to put in a smut game
LOL very true
if it weren't that kind of game I would probably be far more open to the idea
to think you were the one who once suggested that i use myu icons...
how the tables have turned
obviously I know you're stronger than me Lulu
i didn't know liking 2D men better makes me stronger...