Mouth Powers
okay commentary mumble
Mouth Powers
𝕊𝕥𝕚𝕝𝕝ℝ𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥ℍ𝕖𝕣𝕖 what are the odds that Jedao succeeds in getting Alec's help/some supplies
Mouth Powers
he'll remember how it was done though hypocritically
Mouth Powers
tbh Jedao is of the opinion that pretending to ask permission when he isn't asking at all is even ruder than ultimatums
yeah, that's just Alec wrangling with this "identity" thing
Mouth Powers
if you want to handwave the rest of it into "and Alec knows technical details" that's fine, or to keep tagging with parts of it skimmed
he's not surprised or even mad, just very much like "I would have helped without the leverage"
Mouth Powers
Jedao will at least assure him at some point that he does have his universe's equivalent of field medic certs
and yeah that - his usual professional condescension. Everything is better with an X5, bruh, but you all do you
Mouth Powers
at some point I need Jedao to get badly injured and dutifully turn up in the infirmary and follow all recommendations
Mouth Powers
because personally he completely trusts Alec but Fives was just having "CANNOT DEAL" reactions to being touched by almost anyone but him so :|
Mouth Powers
or he does medically anyway
Mouth Powers
and Jedao doesn't feel like Fives' getting his body issues all triggered is something he has the right to share unnecessarily
Mouth Powers
(Jedao also experienced something of a retroactive ultimatum in that if he didn't help, Fives was going to go at it himself with a handsaw and bleed out in the maintenance office )
If Tris can't be there, she wants to at least be nearby or get an update ASAP afterward. The girl is made of fretting this month.
Mouth Powers
Jay so I'm going to pick up the discussion thread and timeskip to the surgery if that's cool with you? and also I tagged the rescue thread at last and I think we can go in J-5-Q order fairly simply?
yeah, sounds awesome
Mouth Powers
M. Gustave did get rescued by anyone in particular on the island by the way? I am super belatedly getting my shit together and Fives knows he was there so Jedao would look for him unless a different rescue got confirmed
Mouth Powers
*did Harry
Tris also mentioned Harry to Jedao, so he had multiple avenues for that info
Fives will let/have let Tris know it was happening and that he'll let her know how it went, he just... wants it done with minimal fuss of any kind/people in his face for it
M. Gustave
Harry got rescued by Fraser.
Tris is going to go find a MAJOR distraction, because her least favorite thing is sitting and waiting.
Mouth Powers
o7 perfect
what that distraction might be, I haven't the slightest idea
Mouth Powers
swoleregard shall we assume that with whatever info Jedao got from Mystique on the tunnels & cages, Jedao and Fraser split up to cover more ground and handwave that they texted each other with updates of who escaped?
and we're doing that basically... now, timewise, yes, since it was fuzzy timed? (I've got threads the last couple days still behorned, and having lost his last shred of ability to cope after everything lately makes sense)
Mouth Powers
yeah, the de-horning is just "one day after they have a quiet day to read wedding notes" so it can be scooted along the scedule
Mouth Powers
and Jedao is doing that to try to distract him from All Horrors including Selina and Library things now I guess
yeah and Alec gets that, but he doesn't have to like any of it - that it exists or that it touched him. See again: this "identity" thing
all the horrors
too much shit, can't deal with not feeling like he fits in his body on top of all the rest
also hypocritically, again, because he A.) Did something very very similar himself to Lark a thousand years ago as an inmate, and B.) would have done the exact same thing in Jedao's position except he wouldn't have leveraged against the trust that someone would help
Mouth Powers
I mean Jedao definitely had back-up plans involving other infirmary people but they would have been much smoother without warning Alec in advance, so to that degree it was a risk based on genuinely believing Alec would help and respect for the hierarchary that Alec has willed into being through sheer dedication, will, skill, and history
yeah he's just being fussy, don't mind him
or will be, in the future, when he's fuss-capable again
sure! I'm good with that
Mouth Powers
yay awesome
Mouth Powers
anstaar OKAY is there a post or anything where Jedao could/should visit Nico in or post infirmary
If y'all want, Tris could give Jedao a heads up about Nico because him being at the family table of the wedding was telling enough that she might. (and Sy did make a post this weekend)
I have a post up, after looking at eyes (and some eternal marveling at the weirdness of the human body), he probably won't be in the infirmary very long. both because he wants to leave as fast as possible and also because after initial treatment he won't be back to normal but can recover away from it
he wants to keep it as lowkey as possible (and is guiltily grateful for the Great Library Violence as distracting incident)
let me know whether you want Tris to let Jedao know or whether he'll find out from Nico.
should probably have told Quentin something about it too, I imagine
Mouth Powers
I think tonight I will try to have a notice post for Tris and Q about it, and maybe a few other housekeeping things
awesome... poor J, at the epicenter of SO Much Shit right now >.<
Mouth Powers
Ptriciadactyl I think I am interested in having Tris tip Jedao off about Nico just for efficiency reasons + IC reasons, since she finds him and would do it, but Jedao would just be like COOL THANKS and immediately go hover so we can handwave it and reference it subsequent?
sure, that works for me