I am 110% not above accepting donations either (and if you're so inclined, they can go to that email). My PC will be 7 years old on the 30th of this month. Case and PSU are the two things I need to get going asap. Another $200 will go toward a graphics card.
Another reminder bump. Cost to get going just went down, b/c hand-me-downs are coming in (b/f's getting a new-to-him graphics card, so I get his). Need case and PSU, and then always have the "nice to haves" of more ram and a bigger hard drive.
idk how to plurk so fck it. Reposting w/ FB safe image.
Need to buy PSU + Case to get a replacement, new-to-me PC together, and that's about $100.
1-2 $50 single character comms, or a $75 2-character one. TOS linked in comments. Email delphin.arts @ gmail to order.