Lord Lady
[critical role] I think it's time to give this a watch and find out why the hell people are giving them 4 million dollas
Lord Lady
any recommendations of where to start
i recommend from the beginning just because I adore the first campaign, but campaign 2 is an easier jumping on point.
campaign one is based off of their home game that had been going on for like two years prior to the show becoming a thing, and it kinda starts in the middle of an adventure and only really hits it's stride 11-12 episodes in due to that, them figuring out production, etc ...
Lord Lady
ah okay I see
Lord Lady
I think I'll start with campaign 2 than
Lord Lady
I'm not super fond of jumping into a story halfway
it's absolutely worth it ... but it's definitely rougher.
Lord Lady
oh dang I think they're going to reach 5 million by tomorrow
Lord Lady
they're going to be able to make a netflix series at this rate
🐅 its harry
🐅 its harry
thats... jesus
🐅 its harry
i knew they were popular but i didnt know they were THAT popular.
they put the dice at the $100 tier
which was smart
🐅 its harry
all the tabletop actual play stuff i listen to is like... broke queers... so this is like looking into another fuckin world
Lord Lady
a professional tabletop world
🐅 its harry
lmao right... bonkers
The first campaign isn't very good, but i'm enjoying campaign 2 a whole lot so I'd recommend just starting there
zee art
seconding campaign 2, then if you decide you love that and must have more content you can always go back and jump into 1
zee art
i was kinda moseying along through 1, not anywhere near caught up, then campaign 2 started and i have it a shot and was instantly hooked
zee art
gave* it a shot
Lord Lady
according to the site 3 people paid the 20k tier
Lord Lady
that's absolutely bonkers