: Diu... : What’s that means? : Fuck : Victor!!!!!James swears to me!!!!! : WTF?!Noooo!!!I just taught you Cantonese! : Daniel!!!!James say fuck to me : Okay,I say nothing now ah! : Gavin,James seems that he wants to fight with me. : If I talk to Lydia again,I’m a super fool : Jacobbbbbbbbbbbbbb______
: What’s that means?
: Fuck
: Victor!!!!!James swears to me!!!!!
: WTF?!Noooo!!!I just taught you Cantonese!
: Daniel!!!!James say fuck to me
: Okay,I say nothing now ah!
: Gavin,James seems that he wants to fight with me.
: If I talk to Lydia again,I’m a super fool
: Jacobbbbbbbbbbbbbb______