witch people
Climbed past hour one on work. I need to get 4:45 for the day. Commentary/tracking/rambling plurk for the day commenses.
witch people
I may also play with OC journals between long tasks, because now I have the urge. >>
witch people
Or tags. Or something. I don't know. I wanna do things, and I'm kinda eh.
witch people
I got distracted for a while, but I am sloooowly climbing my way there, I hit 2:40, and there's laundry in the dryer, so it could be worse.
witch people
I found long things to watch/listen to on youtube so I am less talky than sometimes
witch people
But now they are giving me 1-minute noise tasks only so I cannot lose myself in musical land.
witch people
Next time I lose a task I need to try calling my mother again
witch people
3:11 because I kind of zoned out and kept going with that task past where I meant to, AND I reached my mother, huzzah
witch people
Gonna push to at least 3:30 and then dishes if the dryer's still going, laundry if it is not
witch people
3:48! I am within an hour from my goal, I see the light, I will not be a huge failure, huzzah.
witch people
Accomplished dishes. I will give myself a few minutes and then ONWARDS.
witch people
...I should... probably consider food at some point. I am not hungry but I haven't eaten in long enough that I probbly would be if my body wasn't dumb.
witch people
Nevermind! The hunger came! The hunger came fast and strong as soon as Ithought about it. Body, why.