Guardian Bear J
[Politics] [Mute if so desired.]
Guardian Bear J
Damn phone distracting me... AHEM!
Guardian Bear J
So. Roger Stone posted a charming little meme to his Instagram, which featured the judge in his trial in the crosshairs.
Guardian Bear J
He deleted it shortly thereafter, possibly because he realized that threatening a judge is not smart, more probably because his lawyer had a damn heart attack and shrieked at him.
Guardian Bear J
Needless to say, the judge didn't find this the least bit amusing, and has called him into court to explain his shenanigans.
Guardian Bear J
The public statements he's made are along the lines of "It was a joke in poor taste."
Guardian Bear J
I am watching this with rapt attention to see how quickly he's sent to prison, because threatening a judge in a case like this? No bueno.
Guardian Bear J
I am honestly surprised his Lawyer hasn't filed a motion to withdraw by now.
duck bastard
Guardian Bear J
With a lawn chair and a tall glass of soda, yes.
Guardian Bear J
Would be beer, but I don't drink.
Guardian Bear J
The funny/sad thing is, I think this throws out any hope of a plea deal short of one massively stacked against him.
Guardian Bear J
You don't threaten a judge and then get off with a slap on the wrist.
Guardian Bear J
Almost every legal expert is saying "Yep, Stone's likely going to prison for this one."
Guardian Bear J
'Cause threatening a federal judge is a capital F Felony.
duck bastard
i for one am delighted
Guardian Bear J
I am dancing on the damn rooftop.
A Grinning DM
I’ll honestly be surprised if he faces the same consequences a poor person would
Guardian Bear J
Normally, I would agree.
Guardian Bear J
This is not normal.
Guardian Bear J
You don't threaten a judge. Period. Doing so publicly is putting your ass on a platter.
Guardian Bear J
And that's just assuming that this is the ONLY thing that comes of it. God help him if one of Trump's groupies takes it as a call to action and does something stupid.
dubious soul
itt: roger stone is bad at crimes
Guardian Bear J
So very bad.
dubious soul
so ive been listening to this podcast called "Behind the Bastards" and like... yeah that was roughly their verdict on roger stone
dubious soul
"he's a troll who's bad at crimes and just got lucky for multiple decades"
Guardian Bear J
I mean... that sounds pretty damn accurate.
dubious soul
their episode on paul manafort is fascinating too actually
dubious soul
like the reason he started working for trump was apparently cause he screwed the pooch so hard in ukraine that no other dictator would take him
Guardian Bear J
Fighting the urge to make a sloppy-seconds joke...
duck bastard
“She gave him just enough rope to get himself into trouble,
duck bastard
p l e a s e
Guardian Bear J
Can I just say that I love this judge?