Before the Rain: Never-Ending Story
電影中是否一直都有既視感?我的分析重點是呈現既使感的可能,因為我覺得Before the Rain即便在結構上與Pulp fiction相似但更偏向於呈現一個整體且重複的一段預言中的三個片段故事,Pulp Fiction純粹在玩動時間線和角色之間的因果。Before the Rain更進一步將主題意義「Time never die, the circle is not round.」透過結構展現,而且在整個過程中不斷出現重複的物件母題,雖然這是一項很常見的電影語言,可是因為他錯亂矛盾、有意誤導觀眾的亂序(是隱藏在順序之中的),使得觀影上的經驗和Pulp fiction不同,Pulp fiction這種比較像是觀眾在剪接鬥智解謎,但Before the Rain更像是被繞進迴圈迷宮中,找不出答案。
because the details matter, a lot of things are not spoken a lot of things you sort of need to put together yourself by following small things in the film. Now, I think you establish a fair relationship of fear given take with the viewer, when you say the details are going to matter.
And that's how you're going to get a lot of your, your information or a lot of your emotion suggested offered. And, you know, then you You shouldn't change the rules of the game, you shouldn't then then move into a film where everything is delivered in a in a dialogue and things are delivered in a grand operatic manner.
導演還用Asian drawing來形容the circle is not round和此電影本身,我覺得太對了!!!!!!!!