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Spoilers for 3's endgame material but it's about a minigame(?) you run across there and not any cutscenes or anything
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...first of all, I seem to've been one of the few of my friends who actually found Naminé so I guess there's that?
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BUT ANYWAY this is about the "Collecting Soras" bit
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I don't know if you can do this during the actual story or if it auto-continues when you get enough. It was Ass O'Clock AM when I was playing and I don't remember |D Buuuuut I do know you can go back in postgame and do the collecting Soras thing again, the "jumping around the twisty turny towers" portion
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And if this is common knowledge I'm sorry for redundant plurk |D But if you collect 222 and then 333 Soras, you get HP boosts
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And it oughta auto-end after hitting 333 and there's still way more than those numbers there so it's not like you're hunting down every last "look what our animations can do" phantom
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So yeah |D That was the bulk of my evening earlier playing. I didn't do much else because I got a little bit tired a little bit motion sick (not the game's fault) so I can confirm it's a thing. I don't know what you get, if anything, for going back in, I presume the HP boosts aren't going to be there anymore
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...Maybe that'd be worth testing Honestly I found collecting Soras kinda fun but that may also just be me
hm...if I need this for my level 1 playthrough I'm gonna remember this
that's how it is during the story!
the only thing my roommate told me as a heads up about the game was to "GET EVERY ONE OF THE STARS. THERE ARE 2 CUTSCENES. You will understand when this is relevant."
You can't get the HP boosts during the story, no, so yeah. Going back in to the Final World is for both those and the treasure chest containing an Orichalcum +
I knew about the chests but that's a ruuuude requirement for HP boosts. Collecting Soras is not fun.
I definitely enjoyed collecting the Soras but it was very disorienting and I had to rotate a lot just to get less dizzy
I got the HP boosts though during the story :-o
Huh. I'm pretty sure I got auto-forced out once I hit the story amount.
Though I could be misremembering since I wanted out of that place ASAP since I hated the whole place
nope I auto-booted at 333 and I did it only the one time... I'm glad it auto-boots because I just.... couldn't stop.... lmfao
It didn't send me out when I had extras either