๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
[dental stuff][warning, descriptions within] leaving for my appointment soon, wish me luck?
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I'm trying not to be anxious because they were so nice yesterday but imagining all the worst-case scenarios re: cost and things going wrong is not helping me
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I have stopped myself from googling anything beyond "what to eat after tooth extraction" but I remember horror stories people have told in the past so YEAH thanks brain for dragging those up
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ON THE OTHER HAND I'd do just about anything for this pain to go away so I can eat and sleep properly so I guess everything else I can deal with when it's over
It's all worst-case scenarios on the internet. You're welcome to ask folks at the clinic what you can eat, if they don't just give you a write-up with the To-Dos like usual.
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Yeah, I'm expecting they'll give me instructions and a care sheet
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I was all gloom and doom yesterday and it went better than expected, too, so hopefully this will be routine
the forger
Good luck!!
Good luck!!
Cแดา“า“แด‡แด‡ Sษชษดษดแด‡ส€
Best of luck!!!! I've had people tell me about the instant relief they got after having teeth extracted!!
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One tooth came out cleanly, but the broken one had to come out root by root THAT WAS FUN
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(adding a warning to the top Plurk 'cause I know dental stuff is squicky/anxiety-inducing and I may get graphic)
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I felt some pain but without the anesthetic it would've been a lot worse, and she did have to put some stitches in but said they'll come out on their own
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Over the counter stuff will be fine for pain management, and I was able to write a check to pay off the balance- all that's left is the credit line I opened yesterday, and the monthly payment for that is about the same as my student loans were so it's not gonna be a huge financial burden
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I can close my mouth without pain now
I've been there, one of my wisdom teeth had to be broken up it was so weirdly shaped. Fortunately I only grew two but they're gone now.
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I was just W E L P when she said "we're going to have to get this one out the hard way" but fortunately she got it all
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I'm on soft foods for the next 48 hours, but I prepared for that yesterday- ramen noodles, yogurt, oatmeal and canned pasta
im so glad it went relatively smoothly ;0;
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It's just weird because the anasthetic hasn't worn off yet, one tooth was on the top right and the other on the bottom left so... two different quadrants of my mouth are numb (LOL) Eating yogurt with a spoon just feels weird
I'm glad it's over with!
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I am glad things went well... as well as could be expected, considering!
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So glad it's done and you're already starting to feel better. Sounds like the payments are a pain, but manageable, so really it's all pretty good!
๐Ÿ” YEDONG...
Coulda been a lot worse, I am grateful