quarter trauma
[rl/vent/mute] just some grousing on a couple of things, nothing major I just want to get it off my chest so I stand half a chance at concentrating
quarter trauma
1. Got a note from maintenance yesterday, the carpet cleaners are ~totally coming~ on Wednesday or Thursday and they just haven’t because of the cold temperatures-
quarter trauma
quarter trauma
I’ve had my entire life on hold for like three weeks because your people didn’t feel like putting on a damn coat are you SERIOUS
quarter trauma
Listen, I’m not a tidy person? But the amount of diasarray everything is in is making me MISERABLE.
quarter trauma
2. I’ve been way too anxious to go to bed without Justin in the house lately, which is a problem when he insists on coming home at 1 in the morning :/
quarter trauma
I have an entire Louis Vuitton store under my eyes between last night and the night before. Listen, it’s fine if he wants to burn the candle at both ends but I need to sleep, at least...
quarter trauma
This has been an ongoing issue and I recognize it’s not actually going to change and that I need to bring it up with him, but just. Mrrrrrgh.
quarter trauma
3. I submitted a ticket saying I can’t get in to FTP a week ago and have NO response from IT
quarter trauma
I’m sick to death of our entire IT department. There’s a very real chance the problem has resolved itself at this point but it’s the principle of the thing!
quarter trauma
quarter trauma
That is all.
quarter trauma
ok double checked and FTP is still borken I feel a little better knowing that honestly
quarter trauma
oh good I’m not wasting their time they’re wasting mine we can continue on being buttmad