coffee gremlin☕
As stressful as yesterday was, when I came into work today my boss told me I apparently managed to impress my district leader.
coffee gremlin☕
according to vanessa, Jamie [the district leader] said I was very helopful. I'm glad she liked me? I'm always super nervous around her because you have to be On, and when I got there I hadn't had any coffee whatsoever yet sooooooo lol
coffee gremlin☕
but being on the DL's good side is only a benefit when you want to eventually move up in management ranks
coffee gremlin☕
there's also a chance that i'll be taking over vanessa's shifts this week at my home store bc there are issues at the store I was filling in at and vanessa is needed there
coffee gremlin☕
i'm glad I might be taking over her shifts...I desperately need the hours. but at the same time that would mean working all day tomorrow and monday, and I think tuesday too, but i'm dying for a full day off as it is