capra hircus
[moar opinions] [cw: ddlg/cgl kink]
capra hircus
Is it me, or is anti-DDLG/CGL culture kind of...gross?
It Nyanka
what is ddlg/cgl?
capra hircus
DDLG stands for "daddy dom/little girl," and CGL is "caregiver/little" from what I've heard.
capra hircus
Like, it seems many littles are/were survivors of abuse/CSA/etc themselves. In fact, I know some for whom that's exactly the case. And this is their way of reclaiming their sexuality, the way many sex workers do, and exploring their psychologies in a safe environment.
capra hircus
And furthermore, the vast majority don't actually think shit like pedophilia is okay IRL.
capra hircus
Soooo when I see people "calling out" littles (it's usually littles and not caregivers/daddies) for "promoting/apologizing for pedophilia," it puts a baaaaad taste in my mouth.
capra hircus
Like, we get that y'all are only mad that some survivors aren't "un-probematic" enough for your tastes, but wow, d'you really gotta go around potentially re-traumatizing individuals just to satisfy your need for everything around you to be Morally Upstanding?
capra hircus