tea’s gone cold
me: i need to focus on writing original work. also, writing Kingdom Hearts fanfic is a bad idea
also me: fanfic where Axel gets investigated for tax fraud
Nancy Crawfish
I am down for this
tea’s gone cold
the tax official who inspects him in the the KH multiverse is obviously Ardyn
Nancy Crawfish
...I am extremely down for this
Nancy Crawfish
I just want Ardyn fucking around in the multiverse so much. He would be so good at it.
Nancy Crawfish
Though clearly the one really cooking the books a lot is Luxord
tea’s gone cold
yeah, my idea is that Axel screws up his tax return through sheer inattention, incompetence, procrastination and low-self esteem (assuming he made much less money than he did because he doesn't believe anyone owes him anything)
tea’s gone cold
the investigation ends up leading to the much more genuinely criminal activities of Luxord and Saix
tea’s gone cold
also, because it's Kingdom Hearts, it also involves the Muppets
Nancy Crawfish
Luxord has the face and earrings of a man who runs several speakeasies
Nancy Crawfish
tea’s gone cold
all i know is that Demyx's taxes are absolutely immaculate because he's a touring musician and used to doing it
Nancy Crawfish
He's amazing at contracts, like Dethklok
tea’s gone cold
and he's just baffled everyone else seems to be finding it so difficult
tea’s gone cold
Nancy Crawfish
and he knows how to do stuff like the brown m&m trick to know that the venue has read the instructions for his gear setup thoroughly
tea’s gone cold
tea’s gone cold
also if i could figure out a good way to link it back to the labour abuses Walt Disney did i would definitely do that
the honored one
Saix is always behind criminal shit
Tonberry King
Xigbar doesn't even file his taxes
Tonberry King
he reported himself dead years ago
Tonberry King
Marluxia's one of those "Taxation is theft" assholes tho
Nancy Crawfish
Would Marluxia be full sovereign citizen? Cause one of them has to be
Tonberry King
Tonberry King
that's pretty much what he';s up to in castle oblivion
Tonberry King
No gods. No kings. Nobody.
tea’s gone cold
Vexen is an 'a truly free market would solve problems most efficiently' type but he will operate within the law when it comes to paying his taxes
tea’s gone cold
Larxene is an unreconstructed "keep your hands off my money that I earned!" CHUD
tea’s gone cold
she lies on her tax return but instead of giving what she didn't pay back to the Org, she spends it all on skincare products
tea’s gone cold
of course the Org is registered in a tax haven world...
Tonberry King
so which of them is into pyramid schemes?
tea’s gone cold
i'm just trying to figure out how to involve the Muppets. are they also doing a tax fiddle?
tea’s gone cold
are they registered on the Muppet World?
the honored one
this is all so terrible IC i have nothing to add