Having a sort of weird day. I realize as I'm wrapping this box of ashes. I have been at my clinic so long that I've seen patients come in as puppies and kittens, or young adults, and they are now passing, but it doesn't seem like I started that long ago. Sort of melancholy I guess, or just really in my feels today.
That's gotta be a weird feel
🧜‍♀️Nivaya🌟 : It is, they aren't my pets, but I've seen them for years. Talked to their owners about them, shared stories, helped care for them medically. It just breaks my heart a bit. Makes me second wanting to become a Veterinarian at times.
It's like a sad version of when i see a small child and I'm like "hm, do I recognize that kid, did they go to primary school with my daughter?" and then I realize my daughter's 15 and so are her schoolmates, so that's a No. (I realize having typed that, that's not similar at all, but it triggered that same sort of thought in my head, idk, like, time passing
when you're not looking and little outward signs that make you go "oh"
No, I think they are similar in a way because you are right they do cause the same feeling. Yeah, It's like I'm oblivious until something stops to make me think/realize and I notice years have flown by when it didn't feel like it.

Need to find something funny or positive now. Lort.
Here's this:
omg that is so amazing. XD