ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
I don't even know this game but my god straight people....
I'm so... confused?
ꜱᴜᴘᴇʀ ᴏᴏᴢᴀʀᴜ
when I first clicked play I thought it was going to be misinterpreting "thing" to mean "friends"
Rᴏʟʟɪɴɢ sᴛᴀʀ ★
A-.... amazing.
A girl named Angus is more likely to Straights™ than that two men might date
I love that, like...I feel like the writer may well have chosen the name Angus to be as unambiguously male as possible
And it still gets missed
i stay silly :3
are the straights okay
LMFAO holy shit
how about no
the one with jacksepticeye killed me too
how about no
>ENDLESS dialog talking about gregg and angus living together, being together, one even directly calls angus gregg's boyfriend
>jack: ......I think angus and gregg are a couple
how about no
Jack's a fairly chill dude who I'm pretty sure is totally okay with queer people, so part of me wonders if that was a joke...or maybe he was kind of checked out, because that definitely happens with YouTube LPers when they're trying to be funny for the camera, they miss so much shit
Or it could be genuine straight obliviousness
That's definitely a different level than "he's dating a girl named Angus" tho, regardless
duck bastard
yeah i'm a little more forgiving for Jack lmao because spacing out is definitely different than... that
(Also, ngl, when I'm not expecting anything queer in a game, I can be totally caught off-guard by queer shit when it happens just because I'm so resigned to cisheteronormativity)
(I am delighted when I see it and recognize it for what it is, but there have been instances where I've been slow to catch on, and also instances where I'm like "wait, did they just - ? Oh my god, is this really happening, GAME PLEASE CONFIRM THIS EMPHATICALLY I CAN'T BEAR TO GET MY HOPES UP LIKE THIS AND BE DISAPPOINTED...")
tbf when I first got to that part I wasn’t sure if “thing” meant dating because I’m also usually expecting Straights but “a girl named Angus” is a new level
Yeah, exactly
It's one thing to go "...wait, do they mean there's a queer relationship here?" and another to go A GIRL NAMED ANGUS, HOW WACKY