My Knee
My Knee
(god bless character model swaps)
My Knee
roxas->riku he appreciates the honesty
My Knee
[bs] roxas->sora you make a good other
oh my god yes let elena kill
My Knee
My Knee
My Knee
roxas->catra hey let's bond more about our shitty childhoods
unoiled snake
S U R E let's do that
My Knee
/bangs fists on table TRAUMA! TRAUMA! TRAUMA!
unoiled snake
My Knee
My Knee
unoiled snake LMAO I think I somehow ended up with our thread in two different tabs and replied, got distracted, forgot I had done so, and replied again
My Knee
I'm gonna revamp the second reply to go with the top part of the thread to steer us back on course and delete the fork (LOL)
unoiled snake
ffff okay
unoiled snake
wait I think I already replied to you? tell me where it is
My Knee
My Knee
just scroll down, there's a forked thread for us
My Knee
so it's my go either way
unoiled snake
oh yes that is a fork
My Knee
I must have gotten SUPER distracted
unoiled snake
it happens <3
My Knee
ok I can't delete yours since I didn't make the post, but I deleted mine
unoiled snake
I'll do it \o/
My Knee
ty for not mocking me :B
unoiled snake
and done!
unoiled snake
fff why would I mock you... look I have ADHD I know stuff happens
My Knee
My Knee
curby&coughing btw it's still just in my to-tag tabs bc I'm suddenly slow for obvious reasons, but I Love Aqua and Alphys and demand they become friends
My Knee
it's Pure
UR TOTALLY FINE i love them too ;O;
alphys befriends every dangerous lady in the city and then has a Squsd